I'm melting, I'm melting in the MMP!

Poking my head in. All my staff left. Two transferred with active duty staff and my right hand girl got a higher paying job. So, I am training a new girl and working the front desk ignoring my manager duties. And the big news is I have decided to retire. I have 99 more days. My pitiful pension will pay for insurance. I still am running A/c company and getting paid there. Actually I just own it I don’t do anything. I have 3nough savings

Poking my head in to say hey.

Congrats on your impending slothdom, Butters! Hope the next 99 days speed by for you with minimal stress.

Laundry is done and I’m having a late lunch of chickie noodle soup. Then, for reals, I’m going to start sewing. Really!

You deserve a break from that stress.

Butters!!! I’ve missed you. Congrats on the retirement. Are you going to move or are you staying put? Lots of hugs from me.

Wifey and I went into Tualatin yesterday, like I said. We stopped at the BiMart in there to see if they had any of the 27 gal. storage boxes she wanted. They didn’t. When they do have them they’re ~$4.00 cheaper than anywhere else.

Anyway, then we went over to George Morlan, the plumbing place. They have everything, but they didn’t have the valve stem I need to fix the kitchen sink in the Maupin house. But the salesperson spent a lot of time with us and told us about a place where we can order it online, so win!

Wifey had a gift card for Dead Lobster, so we went there for lunch. I was intrigued by the lobster pad thai they had on their menu, but I don’t like lobster enough to pay an extra $5 for it, so I ordered the pad thai with shrimp. It was great. Ad there was so much of it that I brought half of it home and just ate it for lunch. Wifey had their fish and chips and said it was mediocre. Their cheddar biscuits are as good as ever, however.

Today Wifey is going with the Daughter Unit to get their ‘toes done’ in just a few minutes. I will entertain myself.


I went with my daughter once to get my toes done. She loves getting mani/pedi. I can think of many things I’d rather do. Plus the polish never dried properly and my toes stuck to my socks! Never went again. Don’t ever want to, either.

Laundry is all in and away. I whipped up a bodice for sizing - as soon as my daughter can come over. I also ordered bobbins - apparently that’s my tension problem - the ones I’m using are too small. We both had late lunches - I expect supper will be grazing, if that. Daughter made a beeyooteeful London broil (she sent a pic), but she didn’t invite us to dinner, the brat! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m thinking I’ll have a bowl of cereal and maybe an apple. I’m not all that hungry.

Time for some chillage.

You go chill. Imma 'bout to go to work. (Short shift, still training.) I mean, some of us have to be productive members of society.

Then again, you’re super-productive around the house, in ways that make me jealous.

Anyway, I’m just happy to have a job again. They’ve gone out of their way to make me feel welcome (and in fact, there’s a couple of familiar faces; apparently I’m not the only one who moved over from the same previous store as me) and it’s a very relaxed environment compared to the old place.

Hello from rainy Washington! It was drizzling when I left for my walk. It’s now raining steadily. I got very wet. C’est la guerre. Drying out before I head out to the grocery store. I need salad-y stuff, plus the Forgotten Desserts thread has me craving ambrosia.

So moments after this…

…the Loud stopped, as in completely. I know it was just coincidence, but I’m going to be extra nice to doggio now. Shine your sneakers, sir?

I have plenty because I never drink it. I don’t have cognac, but I do have Galliano. We had a bottle on our sideboard when I was a kid–that Italian thing–and I always thought it looked like sunshine. Anyway, if anyone wants a Harvey Wallbanger, come on over.

So MetalMouse, what do you do on Sundays if you have your Sunday dine-out on Saturday?

red, are your supermarkets letting people use their own bags now? I use my own when i do self-checkout, but I don’t see people handing cashiers their bags any more, so I thought maybe I’m not supposed to. I’d rather use my own. I guess I should ask, huh?

Mangia, mangia! You need to feed. Also, one animal cracker is just plain wrong. They get lonely in your tummy that way.

Evening all. It’s 93F outside and I have no particular interest in going outside to experience it. Watched TV most of the afternoon (not usual for me) and will shortly fix some sammiches to eat.

Butters, it is always good to hear from you. Nice to hear retirement is close, perhaps you’ll have time (and the wish) to rejoin us here–we’ve missed ya.

shoe, enjoy your new place. IO know how important it is to be comfortable where you work (and other folks here can tell you what it’s like when you’re not comfortable), Be well.

Hippy, BBBoo, you forget I live in Ali-bama, so I do know something about tackleball (soccer is the real football) and it’s effect on the population.,

OK, those sammiches won’t make themselves. All y’all take care and I’ll catch you on the next MMP.

Howdy Y’all! I do not know what was up with my post this mornin’, except to say I was havin’ trouble postin’ everywhere I usually post. No explanation other than perhaps momentary senility. :older_man: Anywho, today was a good day. Church was good, TDay N.O,L. was exceptionally good if’n I do say so myself, post N.O,L. turkey coma/nappage was good. The biiiiiiiiiiiig trash can has been hauled all the way down to the road for pickup tomorrow. 'Tis way hawt out so glad to be inside in the a/c.

Butters yay for impendin’ retirement. May you enjoy many years of bein’ a retired drain on society. It is a state of bein’ I highly recommend.

As a resident of the southeastern USofA I can definitely say football, especially college football, is a religion. High skool football is pretty sacred as well. Pro football, well, kinda sorta, but not near as much as college and high skool. I find college football somewhat entertainin’, but I am no where near diehard as a lot of folks around here.

Just back from a meet up with some friends, including their 7 week old bebby. I got to hold little Sully for a bit, he promptly burped up on my shirt. They had me over for a late birthday to me thing. It was really sweet.

Hmmm. should I ask doggio to quiet the neighbor’s children? They’ve got 4 kids, oldest 12, youngest 1, and all the toys. Trampoline, go cart, swings…At least the never re-opened the pool, which is even closer to my yard than the rest of their stuff…

Git off ma lawn!!!

Congrats on the upcoming retirement butters!

nellie, some stores never quit letting me use my own bags, only thing was, I had to do the bagging, which was no problem. Most are back to bagging them in your own cloth bags now.

I could use doggio’s assistance with the neighbors from last night. They usually have company outdoors on the weekend, but don’t get excessive with the noise. Last night, it was a LOUD party that didn’t tone down until after midnight. No point in complaining to management, as they live in the complex across the fence. :frowning:

Sunday chores are done and supper (gingered fish stew) et and now, I’m chilling. See y’all tomorrow!

Boo is slinking off to look up the Cornhusker’s history with Ali-bama. Bowl games and all.

It’s 3 Alabama wins to 2 Nebraska wins in their rivalry.

I’m really hoping we don’t have to play Alabama or Florida for a few years.

: grumbles and sharpens extra axes :

Hey, my neighbors are no longer a problem, so no grumbling at me. I even left you a good review on Yelp. :slight_smile:

I got drenched but talked with both chilluns and am happy. This thread inspired me to make myself a mini-martini (vodka), which I am now enjoying.

I did, my dear, and thank you. Fixed a couple of scrambled eggs before work (plus that taco!) and am about to go pick up a lil’ pizza from Domino’s, because they are close by and still open.

Feeling much better overall.

Me too, and … me too! (Do a lot of Mumpers have a Monday morning trash pickup?)

There’s a moth in the house. I know this, because Monkey is possessed & acting like a fool.
Y’all should see the disdainful look on Nikki’s face.

Okay, off to go retrieve 'za for dinner. See y’all in the next MMP.