I'm melting, I'm melting in the MMP!

Evening all. Five loads of laundry washed and dried, some still needs putting away, but the baskets are empty. Decided to have my Sunday Dine-Out today so Olive Garden was the choice and I’m fully pastaed. Been raining off-and-on all day, tempts never made it past 80F, we’ll see if we reach 90F tomorrow.

Happy belated birthday, flyboy; it’s been quite a week for you, hasn’t it…

Seanette, I’ve noticed that too, apparently putting more than, oh, 3 items in the same bag is taboo and you need another bag. Thanks be that Publix and Walmart both recycle plastics bags or I’d really be contributing to the landfill pollution…

nellie, sorry the Loud One is back. Hang in there.

BBBoo, quietly, I am sure your cats are quite lovable beasties, but your desciptions make me glad I’m a dog person at heart…

Getting late in the evening so bedtime is not far away. Catch y’all on Sunday.

Oh NO! Happy Birthday VanGo! It was inadvertent, I promise.

I have a situation. I am down to my last 2 bottles of Fentiman’s tonic water. This is bad. Very bad. I’ll have to look for other gin cocktails…

Pixel accidentally strrayed too close to Akiko’s bowl and she went after him. No damage done, as far as I can tell, but Pixel is glued to my side and very subdued. We’ll see if tomorrow restores his bounce.

I had a donut for dinner (with the G&T). Judge away. I might just do it again in a few minutes.

Just dropped in to say Happy Birthday, Flyboy! I hope you had an amazing day.

Also, baker, if you’re reading this, I’m so very sorry. Please take care.

Note: Mexican Coke, Plantation 5 Year rum, and lime make an outstanding Cuba Libre.
Also, Obigatory dunken psot.

51ood Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 73 Amurrkin out and partly cloudy (mostly moony?) with230 a predicted high of 92 with maybe some rain this afternoon. Or not. Willy-nilly is a lifestyle for TWPTB. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization followed by a big Turkey Day style N.O,L. Everything is pretty much done for N.O.L. I’ll just need to roast the carrots, bake the rolls, make the gravy and heat up the green beans, squish casserole, and sliced turkey boob. Major food coma to follow.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

i know some people do the xmas in july thing but turkey day in june is a bit much lol normally i do like a nice mid year turkey but its too damn hot this year … i remeber years ago my nephew said it was too hot to use the microwave … since its an over he thought it warm up the house …

Dipping into the sacramental wine a tad early, are we??? :wink:

Today’s main plan is a trash/recycle run as soon after 8 as I can manage. Secondary plan is making the bodice to daughter’s dress from an old sheet so I can check my modification plan. She prefers a pull-over-the-head to a zip-up-the-back so I need to make a couple of modifications to the pattern. Rather than waste the good fabric, I’ll use some old stuff just to verify. And I’ll probably do some laundry while messing with the sewing - after I drag in a small table from the shop and set it up in the basement.

I’m good with turkey any time of the year - love the stuff!! But I’d do it in the smoker rather than the oven. In fact, I may look for a turkey bird next time I groce (verb form of grocery - look it up!) Not that I’d call it Thanksgiving in June - just supper.

My mom is hosting Christmas in July next month since we skipped our family gathering due to plague. Nothing quite like a pool party with tinsel and carols! :rofl: And we’re going to do a White Elephant exchange - you have to bring something unwanted but useful to bestow upon another. I’m pretty sure I can dig up something. Two somethings, actually.

But for now - onward! Happy Sunday!!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today. I did half my cleaning yesterday, so I have time to watch hockey this afternoon.

When you get the kiln working, you should make a ceramic white elephant for this. :elephant:

“I like cooking with wine. sometimes I even put it in my food!”

Sounds like a good start for the next MMP… :wink:

Good morning. It’s a rainy day, and the house is quiet, except for the birdsong from the birds outside. I have some windows cracked open because I need fresh air, damn it.

Yesterday’s trip to return shoes and shop for other stuff was a complete bust. First, I forgot the shoes I was going to return, which was a real face:palm moment. Still, I went inside that store to see if there was anything I’d like. Turns out, they didn’t even have the shoes I wanted there. In other words, I just wanted to return the shoes I had and replace them with a half-size up, but there were none of that style to be found. I searched the entire store for something that would appeal to me and there wasn’t anything there. Very frustrating…

After that, I searched Penneys, several clothing stores, and Macy’s. Nothing, nada, zilch. I did end up buying some undergarments because a girl needs to replace that stuff on a regular basis, but no shoes, nothing else. I was looking at getting a smaller purse too. Basically one that I can shove my phone, credit/debit card and license into and be done. My current purse is a large Dooney, and while I love it, it’s heavy. Also, there are times I just want to the essentials into something small that I can just use as a cross body and not be encumbered by it. I found a possibility at Macy’s, but I wasn’t willing to to pay what they wanted. I may still get it, I was just over the shopping thing by the time I found it.

Also, what the hell is up with Macy’s clothing selection for women?! Maybe it’s just the store in the mall near me, but I have been sorely disappointed the last few times I’ve been there. It seems the only choices are “Old Lady” or " Size Double 0 Teeny-Bopper", with nothing in between. Also, where the hell are the slacks? And, I don’t mean pull-up polyester crap. It seems they’ve gone to the “Just in Time” stocking model, but there was little to choose from. I felt much like I was in a store that was going out of business. I get the pandemic slowed stuff doing, but we’re opening back up, and somehow the stores aren’t keeping up. Truth be known, they were going downhill pre-pandemic, but now it’s just sad. Penney’s is worse. I can occasionally find a top there, but it’s very, very, very rare.

Shopping for clothing is not a fun chore for me. Yup, it’s a chore. I don’t like it, especially considering the post quit smoking and pandemic weight gain. I was well on my way back down the scale and then came “The Injury”. Enough bitching and moaning.

Today will consist of laundry and house tidying. I need to sneak in some of that work training too. At least it’s raining, so I won’t feel too bad about staying inside. I maaaay sneak out for a pedicure though.

seanette, one of the things that I dislike when I order from InstaCart rather than shop myself is the excess of plastic bags. When doing my own shopping, I’m pretty good about using reusable bags. Even if I wasn’t a wannabe tree hugger, they make it easier to get the groceries into the apartment without a blowout.

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and just posted what I had written last night. :upside_down_face:

Not much shaking today except for the usual Sunday chores.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Good Sunday morning all. Have folded or hung all the clothes I washed yesterday and my four laundry baskets are empty this morning (will begin filling them again today). Already 82F at 9am here, heading for 92 and I’ve already kicked the AC on. Might not be off now until October…

swampy, you either have a case of fat fingers or doggio and you changed names for the ‘obligatory drunken post’.

Taters, haven’t been in Penney’s or Macy’s in many years, Shirts come from Kohl’s, Jeans from Duluth Trading, and u’wear from Target. And since that is 90% of my wearables…

OK, pills have been taken and newspaper rescued from the driveway, so will go watch the 2nd Half of England-Croatia (it’s a soccer thingie). Happy Sunday all.

I’ve felt like crap the past few days (the heat ain’t helping) so of course have pretty much quit eating.
If I was a horse, the rancher would say I’ve “gone off my feed.”
Anyway, no fuel does not a happy tummy make, so I’ve been going around and around with that - and having started working again, I can’t be running to the bathroom for every untrustworthy fart, dammit!

Currently on the “Gatorade and protein shake” diet, with an occasional animal cracker or pretzel to crunch on something solid. Bah.

I loathe shopping, too, and highly recommend just ordering off Amazon or another online delivery retailer, especially if return shipping is free. If you know what you’re looking for, you can just browse while sitting on your couch. No schlepping through endless aisles of crap you don’t want.

Who are you rootin’ for?


Up ungodly early this morning, and of course the felines who run the place would not let me go back to sleep. Nappage may occur this afternoon. We shall see. In the meantime I got all the veggies Miracle-Gro’d and watered, ready to face the heat of the week. I need to make a run for supplies to a place that doesn’t open until 9am, so I may forgo breakfast and just eat an early lunch instead while I’m out. In the meantime there are litter boxes to change, toilets to be cleaned and all the other stuff they don’t tell you about adulting until it’s too late.

Stay cool, peeps!

Three bags of trash, three bags of recycling, and a pile of cardboard have all been dispatched at the convenience center. Dishes have been loaded into the dishwasher and sink has been cleaned. Third load in the washer. Bed has been stripped and after I post this, I’ll re-sheet it. Then I should probably start my sewing project.


**shoe, **England (I’ve been there several times and seen soccer games there, never been to Croatia (yet)), but I fully expected them to lose, as they so often do in these types of tournaments–but they surprised me and won 1-0.

Washing sheets and pillow cases (and mattress pad, stuffing that in the washer was a chore) and will put my second set on the bed shortly (or when I feel like a nap). Now 87F outside and do not feel any compunction to wander outdoors.

Press on.

I don’t know anything about soccer or sports in general, but I grew up here in football country. BBBoo will back me up here. Our state elected a man to two house terms on the basis of his coaching record for our college football team. In both elections he received over 90% of the vote. Since he retired we have had a revolving door for the job, which is the highest paying state salary.

The current guy, who was a player here, was the fan favorite. They just had to have him. He has led the team to the worst three year win/loss record in 60 years. The fans are still making excuses for him.

Every word of this is true. College football is actually the state religion here. Infidels either stay quiet or are driven out.

Worked my way up to a slice of buttered toast.

Felt better enough to run a quick errand … okay, go get some medicine … OKAY I wanted to pick up a joint! Anyway, in true stoner fashion, I got a taco from Taco Bell afterwards.

Still, that’s more solid food than I’ve had in a while. Yay, me.

This sounds like the basis of a song, maybe by the Drive By Truckers or a similar dark-sounding group.