I'm melting, I'm melting in the MMP!

Yes, I did actually bake the cookies :).

Back from erranding and grumbling at Walmart about today’s delivery. When the customer specifies diet in a beverage, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE REGULAR. Things like diabetes are not that rare. Also, I had ELEVEN bags for a not-huge order, and several of those bags had one or two small occupants. I could have probably done it in six or seven, max.

Sorry. I have all the gin. The rest of you will have to scrounge. I am also limited on the tonic however. :frowning:

The best cat dad paw bump t-shirt sounds nice. Truth in advertising. Hope you are getting to enjoy your :birthday:. Maybe a nice drive with the wind blowing in your hair?

I have a piece of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake waiting for me in the fridge. I promise to think of your birthday when I eat it. May want to raise a cold glass in your honor too after the sun goes down. Tonic water I have, the gin or rum I’ll have to scrounge for. Must be a nip or two somewhere in this rat’s nest…

Sometimes I think Amazon search is really a bunch or drunken pranksters having their way with us. Yesterday I was searching on ‘Danco 2L-4H valve stem’. Pretty specific, no? I got all kinds of results, but not the valve stem I wanted.
Today we’re going into Tualatin to George Morlan plumbing to see if they have one. If they don’t have it, we may have to replace the whole faucet. Joy!

Leftover taco pizza for brekkies/lunch today. And soon it will be my turn in the shower. I remember fondly the days when we could both fit in there at the same time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

{{{{{Baker}}}}} (big hug.) I’m vaccinated.

Well, it appears the reason I couldn’t find maternity dress patterns on line is because no one makes them any more! We went thru the Simplicity, McCalls, Butterick, and Vogue books to no avail. BUT we found a sundress pattern on a rack and it should work out. It’s empire waist, which is what she wanted, and I’ll just need to make the skirt fuller to accommodate the preggo belly. And she wants it longer, which is easy. But, dammit, I forgot to check the pattern, so I didn’t get a zipper. Wonder if I can do a work-around since it’s a preggo dress - like making the bodice bigger around and putting elastic at the bottom…

I stopped at the dollar store to get decongestant for FCD and I saw a sack of potting soil, which I’ve been meaning to get. I used the self-checkout since there was a woman checking out with a dozen memorial wreaths and a bunch of fake flower arrangements and who knows what all - 2 full carts!!! Anyway, when I scanned the bag o’dirt, it came up with a “Store Login Required” message and I had to wait for memorial wreath woman to get finished so the clerk helping her could do whatever he had to do to get me going. Still no clue why a $3.50 bag o’dirt would require manager intervention.

The sun has popped out. I still have more to do in my disaster of a studio. How motivated am I?? Not very…

Happy Flyboy Day!!! :birthday: :champagne: :tropical_drink: :ice_cream:

:astonished: I have been remiss! :astonished:


Happy Doperversary Boo!

We spent some quality time at the cee-mint pond. Now we are inside, showered, and in the cool. Shortly I shall feel the need for a sammich. Tummy is beginnin’ to feel rumbly,

With any luck it’s because there’s a bottle of estate rum being smuggled in the dirt. Hose off the neck of the bottle before the taste testing.

Thank you :kissing_heart:.

Any of you know how to search around and find when I first posted in MMPerland? That should be my real anniversary! I remember how welcoming and nice you all were and how generous with the swell nickname. Good times! For me at least, YMMV, what with all the parties I keep wanting to stage at your houses.

Near as I can tell, this is your first foray into the MMP.

I did a search on your name and I picked a date shortly after you joined the Dope in MPSIMS. I’m pretty sure that’s the one. :smiley:

I drove the MG to Bellingham, about 25 miles away. It was great on the freeway, but of course it stalled twice at lights. No problem on the way home until I came to a stop sign and it stalled again. *Le sigh*

Separately, it’s time tighten the fan belt.

I stopped on the way home to get a couple of ears of corn and some butter. Now we just need to go pick out a crab.

Tonka’s photo is on his urn. Mrs. L.A. said, ‘How cute!’ She likes it. (She should. She took the picture. I just put the text on.)

Let’s go with it. July 28th, 2020. Mumperversary. Nah, that won’t work. Notice the -perversely there in the middle. None of us is perverse or at least not that perverse. Mumpversary-that’ll work. Now I have to remember that word for almost a year.

….heading off to my Google calendar to record my Mumpversary on July 28th, next month and every year thereafter.

Pick me, pick me!

Easy enough to remember - it’s the day before swampy’s b-day! :wink:

In fact, the put me on primary sort, and all of y’all who ordered 200 boxes of copy paper for Father’s Day, I hate you. On the bright side, my imprinter didn’t die till end of shift.(last week I ran through 3)

Alex Catt no longer sleeps with me, since she found out that trying to go hic hic hic HORNK on the human in bed at 0300 gets you Aaron Rodger-ed off the bed, out of the bedroom, and 5 yards down the hall. Touchdown. :wink:

You want me to axe them to leave? :crazy_face: :hocho:

I am almost out. Then I’ll be down to bourbon. And rye. And Irish whiskey. And Scotch whisky. And vodka, tequila, brandy, cognac, 2 kinds of rum, and assorted liqueurs. :tumbler_glass:


When Maggie Wonderbeagle died(the world’s sweetest dog, but grievously unhealthy), I went and adopted another beagle from the county shelter…Nellie’s profile said she had been found wandering in October. Which she proceeded to try to do when I got her home. Then the next October, she got out due to an idiot roommate, and vanished. I drove around, I put up posters, checked the shelter and rescue websites, and visited Second Chance and the County Adoption sites. Which in November, I noticed a large white doggie
Me: “Hi there.”
Gordie: < has psychotic episode, and rants about the Invisible Mole People >
Me: “Maybe not.”
So six months of searching later, he’s still there, but calm when I talk to him. I figured, since Nellie was old, and it was a horrible winter, she might not be back, so I adopted Gordie in February. And sure enough, a month later on Easter Sunday, I get a call from a rescue group, “Mr. dogbutler, we found your dog.” Nellie had been living 1 mile east of the apartment, shacked up with a Westie. So I had 2 dogs for a couple of years.

Aww, sweet story. Dogs always know best what you need.

Cats do too, they just don’t care. Moxie, I’m looking at you.

De crab is kilt an’ is bilin’. Doing it with Old Bay this time. The corn is buttered and wrapped, and is in the toaster oven. The butter is melted. And Mrs. L.A. made me a margarita.

Dinner should be in about five minutes. (At least we’re eating after 16:00.)


Happy Flyboy Day!!! :birthday: :champagne: :tropical_drink: :ice_cream:

:notes::musical_note::confetti_ball:happy :tada: birthday :birthday: to you, :tada: happy :confetti_ball: birthday :birthday: to you, :musical_note::notes: :confetti_ball:happy :tada: birthday :birthday: dear flyboy :notes::musical_note:

Aww.y’all missed my birfday yestidday. But my folks offered to get me a new oven since mine has but three working burners. So I got that going for me.

And Happy birthday flyboy1 Enjoy the ded krab 'n corns.

doggio I want to hear more stories of the hounds of the past. Dog stories are always welcome.

:notes::musical_note::confetti_ball::birthday::tada: happy birfday to you, :musical_note::notes: happy :confetti_ball::birthday::tada: birfday to you, :notes::musical_note: happy :tada::birthday::confetti_ball: birfday dear boy, :notes::musical_note: happy :tada::birthday::confetti_ball: birfday to yooouuuuu! :musical_note::notes:

Happy birthday flyboy!

Happy belated birthday VanGo!

I went to the estate sale and spent a whole $10 on a steel rule die, some paper, stamps and ribbon. Then I stopped at Tuesday Morning on the way home and found more paper, spending $12 there. I’m a cheap date. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nelson and I made a trip to the dog park this afternoon and then picked up some brisket and a salad for supper. Now for chillage.

I’d be happy to. I’ve had some characters in my day.