I'm moving on to 4kg!

I have a new routine;


1280 4kg hammercurls right arm;
1280 4kg hammercurls left arm;
180 4kg anterior deltoid punches right arm;
160 4kg anterior deltoid punches left arm;
120 4kg front rows right arm;
80 4kg front rows left arm;
200 40kg hand grip right arm;
300 40kg hand grip left arm;
1000 5lb hand tension exerciser right arm;
1000 5lb hand tension exerciser left arm;

140 8kg squats

120 4kg hammer curls right arm;
80 4kg hammercurls left arm;

Who are you and why do you keep sharing this information?

Let us know when you get to 14 k of g in a f p d.

Nooooooooo! Not again!

But are you a good person?

For those wondering:

Come back when you have a new routine involving a duck and a kumquat.

some people like to have a full schedule.

What do you have against your right arm that it gets extra punishment?

It’s been cheating on him.

I’m sorry, but when I read metric I have to roll my eyes. It’s like the 13.1 half marathon stickers - I’m sure I couldn’t do one myself, but I don’t go bragging about my halfassed mediocre semi-accomplishments, either.

Can you also bowl over 100 with bumpers?

What does the metric system have to do with that? :confused:

Or at least, an interesting person? (So far, not.)

Maybe he’s been banned by all the body building forums out there and this is his place of last resort. Which is kind of sad, really.

Not to mention uninteresting.

I think it’s code, the OP is a Russian spymaster and orders have been given.

It’s all very hush-hush.

I assume it refers to the fastest measured bowl in cricket history (Shoaib Akhtar, 100.23 MPH) as opposed to 100 KMH (about 62.5 MPH), which wouldn’t qualify you as a fast bowler at any serious level.

Sometimes Russell Crowe posts his work out routines, but OP… unless you are him, please cut it out.
You have more to offer than your work out reps, don’t you?

Here’s your shot. Take It.

SarahLiamJarvie, despite the name of the forum, not all mundane and pointless stuff is appropriate for starting a thread. Just posting stats is not okay – there’s nothing about it to invite others to join in a conversation with you.

If you want to discuss your exercise regime, you may do so – if you include other information besides reps and weights.

Don’t do this again.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator