I’ve been working for the same company, in different capacities, for 4 years.
In March, our Sales Manager, who has been there for 13 years, gave his notice and left. We’ve been without a manager since then.
Today, a new manager starts.
The sales team found out by the GM coming up to me telling me to clean the manager’s office. The GM’s brother, who is in sales, told us a new manager is starting.
The GM and owner didn’t even tell us, or even confirm.
The old manager has big shoes to fill. What if we all hate this guy?
Tikki: That should have been my first thought, but given the track record with people replacing other people where I work, I seem to think the worst.
We had a receptionist, who’s only downfall was being “sick” 1 out of every 10 days. She was really good at what she did, when she was there. Finally the other Admin & I had had it and after enough complaining to managment, she was let go. 6 weeks without a receptionist and finally they hire a new one.
She fuckin sucks, and there’s nothing we can do about it. shrug
So, we met our new manager today. He seems really nice. A bit overwhelmed, but he’ll fit in, I think.