I'm not so shellshocked that I can't be horny

And my god, is it just me or is Chris Fowler, host of ESPN College Gameday hotter than liquid fuck?

My lord he’s got a great jaw and broad shoulders and that sort of “I’m conservative in speech, but lady, I’ll throw you around like you’ve never known.” That man can wear a suit to hell and back.

I am…in love with him. He’s no Till, but my god, who is?

Anyway, the thing is, I wanted people to know that I’m OK, just on vacation, laying low, shopping for boots. I’ve just now checked in with the boards and answered emails. Tonight, Mr. Jar is taking me out for my birthday, tomorrow I’m going to the Bears game and on Monday, my vacation ends and I get back to work.

So, I’m sorry if I worried people. I’m also sorry for being a whacked out wreck last week. Stupid Taliban. Jerks.

But man…that Chris Fowler. I would ride him blind.

Yep. She’s okay.

I believe the answer to that question would be Till himself.


Glad to see that you’re getting back to the irreverent Jess we all know and love so well.

Now if you could just come up with some jarbabyj™ insults for the current round of trolls on the board…

Happy Birthday! :smiley:

They make that in liquid form now? Well cripes…now that my hedonistic college days are over…THAT’s when they come out with Liquid Fuck™.

Back in the day, the only liquid fuck we had was dollar pitchers at the college sports bar…

HAH!!! See? I TOLD you the best cure for fear is sex!!!

DAMN! If only I could turn a phrase like you, jar. I just adore you :smiley:

Damn straight!

Hey, I want the LIQUID fuck, dammit!

Yeah, well, I don’t even carry the powdered kind! :wink:

Hotter than liquid fuck…
I am so gonna use that one.

Good to have you back, darlin’. Happiest of birthdays, and in the event Mr. Fowler doesn’t show, my bets are on Mr. Jar for that wonderful blindness. Some guys have all the luck.

Jarbabyj is horny again.

<Miller grabs nearest random stranger>

Jarbabyj is horny again!

<embraces him, weeping>

It’s all going to be okay! It’s all going to be okay!

<Fade out to faint strains of America the Beautiful>

laughs till she cries

Dear god I love you people.

I’m telling Lance.

Did Mike Nesmith’s mother invent that too?


We’re all gonna make it if Jarbaby can. Happy birthday, btw. Yay for you. And yeah, I’m totally using that phrase now.

Liquid Fuck? Wait until you hear what’s next.

Here at The Center for jarbabyj Studies, we’re working on Fuck Gas, the successor to the wildly popular Liquid Fuck and Fuck-in-a-Can. Thats right, soon you’ll be able to fill any enclosed area with purified, gaseous fuck. Imagine the uses. Suddenly, Dopefests will become more fun! Comes in three scents!

Happy Birthday! I hope that you and Jarhubby have worked out who gets the birthday swats. Also pulling for your Bears tomorrow.

I’ll pop over into the Fantasy league now and see if I can fix your match…

I feel your pain, I also have an intense desire for Till.

I also have a bizarre attraction to Flake, something about his dancing… wow.