I'm one romantic dude!

Here in southeastern Pennsylvania we have a radio station (B 101.1) that does an impossible question every day. It’s usually some obscure fact that few people would ever know. Anyway, the one was what is the most romantic name for a guy. The number one answer is…

  1. Robert
  2. Jon
  3. David

My first and middle name just happen to be Robert David. In theory the girls must be all over me. In practice however I am not so fortunate.

In case your wondering the #1 womens name was Marie. I don’t know about the others.

My wife’s middle name is Marie. Let’s not go there.

You HAFTA’ to have the girls all over you. You’ve been registered as a member since last September and only have a post count of 56…

Remember trixie it isn’t the size of the post count, it’s the quality of your work :wink:

Hmmm. All of my posts seem to be small with no real substance or quality. :slight_smile: Do you think this could be a reason I don’t have all the girls?

Is everyone in Penny sitting on old videotapes of Jon Davidson, by chance? My sisters were all for the guy.

Didn’t Davidson look a lot like Peter North?

Sofa King-
I’m 17. I had to ask my mom to find out who Jon Davidson is/was. :slight_smile: