I'm pitting whoever is behind the phone calls attempting to suppress the Dem vote in Wisconsin.

Robocalls can not only block caller ID, they can also easily use a fake phone number, to make it look like the call is coming from any number you wish.

These Robocalls can be set up using a pre-purchased hard to trace credit card, using a throw-away cell phone purchased specifically for this scheme.

These dirty tricks are well known, and easy to do.

If someone’s doing this, it’s illegal, and I absolutely condemn the practice.


Which means that Walker’s team, or someone supporting him, could have decided that despite their massive lead in polls and virtual certainty of winning, they should do this as well, just to seal the deal.

Or Barrett’s team, or someone supporting him, could have decided that they were destined to lose, and at least this tactic would give them a excuse to counter the inevitable “Unions lost!” theme that a Walker victory would produce.


Here’s a doozy example: http://www.truthisall.net/

This nut has been spinning his wheels all the way from 2004. And he has a lot of “followers” who keep re-posting his crap, usually in Democrat echo chambers, such as democraticunderground

Correct. And the “they all do it” response is exactly what the Robocall originators are counting on. Often, the goal is simply to suppress the vote. Some dirty campaigns focus on calling people frequently, or at odd hours, just to irritate them and make them say “to hell with this election, I’m not voting”.

There is one party in particular that tends to benefit from reduced voting.

I fully support making robocalls illegal in any way, shape or form, as they are not traceable, and lend themselves too easily to dirty trick campaigns.

If the situation were reversed, and the robocalls were directed at Republican voters with the same message, this would be the general response from the Dope:

“Whatever, I don’t really see the big deal. If those stupid fucker Republitards can’t figure out that it’s not true, then they don’t deserve to vote anyway.”

In other words, “We’re motherfucking scum and can do what the hell we want, because we assume that if you ever acted like us you’d be OK with it.”

And to fraud in general, as well as just being a general nuisance. Robocalls for any purpose should be banned.

“They woulda dunit toooo!”
Who didn’t see this response coming from a mile away? :rolleyes:

Truthisall was booted off of Democratic Underground years ago. In any case, he’s playing games with statistics to try to show fraud by miscounts. That’s not what is being discussed in this thread. We’re discussing voter suppression tactics, a totally different thing.

Edited to add: And I’m not aware of any actual campaigns claiming what he’s claiming.

Not what I said, and

Not what I said.

Considering that many of Walker’s opponents mobbed the state legislature, shutting down the legislative session and damaging the property, shouting the most hateful and bilous invective all the time, and Democratic legislators left the state to sabotage the lawmaking process, it’s pretty safe to say that Walker’s opponents are the motherfucking scum here.

It is profoundly amusing to see the party of Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank claiming to have any moral stature whatsoever.

Damn right, it was their patriotic duty to do so.(except for the minor property damage) When the ruling party abuses their power, dissent is mandatory. The greater the abuse, the more vocal the dissent needs to be. I wish they had tarred and feathered the bastard.

This is not dissent. This is mob rule.

This is just stupid. Not the OP, which I agree with, but, this:

I’m a bit of a lazy voter, but if anybody tells me NOT to vote, you can be damn well sure I am going to show up to the polls. That’s why I am saying it’s stupid.

Were you here? Or are you strictly parroting false data that supports your worldview?

I was, several times a week, in the Capitol rotunda, peacefully gathering to protest the unconstitutional behavior of the agents of FitzWalkerStan.

The response to this? Banning of signs and protected speech (while allowing CCW at the same time :rolleyes: ) and multiple daily arrests - including of yours truly. For holding a sign that said "Why can I have a concealed weapon but not a sign? "

They covered windows with cardboard, ramrodded votes through at last minute after declaring recess, and had protestors arrested at will, AGAINST the stated wishes and opinions of members of the police unions and the CHIEFS of the Capitol Police, Madison Police and numerous non-jurisdictional agencies. When you have to bring in the State Police to enforce your wishes, something’s wrong.

The GAB in fact stated the executive office and its agents inflated the cost of ‘damages’ by over 700%, with the actual expected cost to be ~ $170k, which was already a budget line item due to normal wear and tear. Heaven forbid we actually exercise our rights to peacefully assemble and state our opinions (if it’s not the right one)

So again, shut your pie hole until you can speak from experience and show some ACTUAL evidence. Right now you’re spewing talking points and the bleating from your shit-caked Koch sucker is giving me a headache.

Tarring and feathering may have been, but they didn’t do it. What they DID do is patriotic and just. The Wisconsin state government was hijacked by the batshit crowd and needed to be protested with great vigor.

:dubious: Wow, you’ve got to go back to a 40-year-old crime of leaving the scene of an accident and a 20-year-old Congressional reprimand for fixing parking tickets in order to come up with examples of Democratic moral turpitude? Even I know of more recent examples than those, and I’m a Democrat myself.

In any case, however, I really don’t think that Republicans in general have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to accusing others of moral turpitude. Remember Larry Craig, the guy who was so gung-ho about punishing the alleged wrongdoings of Barney Frank? Remember what he turned out to have been up to?

So you were one of those cocksuckers at the statehouse? Every freakin’ news report I saw about you miserable clowns showed abominable behavior at every turn. Don’t give me that “I’m an eyewitness” crap, bub, you’re hardly an impartial, objective witness.