I'm pretty sure no one else does this kind of thing

Whenever I’m walking uphill I hear the yodeler song from The Price is Right in my head. I’m pretty sure other people don’t do that.

What is your weird thing you do that no one else does?

When I’m walking, I probably have a song in my head. If I’m in a hurry, that song is Santa Claus is Coming to Town. That’s been the case since I was a kid.

When I’m crossing a very busy road, (especially if there’s no light or crosswalk and I’m just waiting for a break in traffic and dashing) I often hear the background music from Frogger in my head. Once or twice I’ve even found myself visualizing the scene from the game’s overhead perspective (as in that one episode of Seinfeld.)

To save time in the mornings on work days, the night before I set out four cups with a spoon close to the kettle filled for exactly four cups, and put the coffee jar close by.

(I prefer tea, but it takes too much time).

Though to me this seems quite logical, I’ve never met anyone else who does it.

When I am watching the NBC Nightly News and they go to a report by Kevin Tibbles, I have to go, “*Tibbles *. . . Oh, Tibbles, bring me my pipe!” in a Bertie Wooster voice.

I don’t do this much anymore, but when walking I would sometimes guess how many steps it would take me to reach my destination. If I came within, say, 10, I’d win a million dollars. In my mind.

This is possibly the best thing I’ve ever read. :stuck_out_tongue:

I used to do that as well - I thought I was the only person who does it!

I’ve never done it before, but I’m sure I will now. Thanks a lot. :mad::stuck_out_tongue:

I used to do that too. After a while, though, I realised I was cheating, as I knew how many steps it would take me to get home from a given point down the road. :smack:

How did you count your steps? I only counted when my left foot hit the ground.

For a while now, I’ve wanted to ask if other people do the following. This thread is the perfect opportunity!
When you take a shower, the water temperature drops as the water moves through the air, so the water that hits your feet isn’t as hot as the water that hits your head. I like to get my feet and ankles with really hot water, so, I lift up my leg and put my toes on the top of the shower head so I’m getting the hottest water possible. I’ve always wondered if anyone else does that.

There’s a traffic and weather reporter on the radio named Jo-Jo Shutty-MacGregor. Whenever she signs off after delivering her report I can’t help but think “That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard.

When I clean the cat box, I pretend I am the world’s most competent construction shovel operator, excavating some extremely valuable substance. All the workers on my crew are in awe of my skills, especially when I lift out the really large chunks without breaking them.

But we all do that, right?

When I’m watching TV and pull up the channel guide to see what’s on the other channels, I have to start at the first HD channel and scroll through all of the HD channels. So if I’m watching say, channel 444, I push the button, and the guide defaults to channel 444 as a starting place. So then I scroll up to 379 (our first HD channel), and scroll down through the guide until I get to 515.

I counted both feet. If I’m listening to music and the tempo permits, though, the right foot has to fall on the down beat. :slight_smile:

This is not about me but whenever my brother had to figure out something difficult he would say “think Macgyver think!!!”. He has a masters in Electrical Engineering.
Whenever I have soft drink in the can I always have to put a dent in the can after I’ve opened it by squeezing the can a little…ok that sounds insane now that I’ve tyoed it out.

When I am typing and making a change, I sometimes “conserve” letters for re-use, rather than deleting them, for absolutely no rational reason beyond my own amusement.

eg; If I were to type “My favourite colour is red,” and then decide that I actually preferred orange, I would backspace to delete to “d,” then arrow to the beginning of the word to type “o”, arrow past the “r” again, type “ang,” arrow past the “e,” and carry on.

Of course, this is counter-productive, since it actually takes longer than simply striking out the entire word, but it amuses me for some reason.

You’ll be glad to know that the “e” in “eg” above is recycled from its earlier effort in the service of the less appropriate “ie.” Waste not, want not!

If I have a long column of numbers or other data, and I have to do something to each row, like fill in a blank spot or something, I could just do it from the top down. But that would be boring, wouldn’t it?

I’ll do the top one, then the bottom one, then the one in the middle. That way I’ve cut the list in half. Then I’ll fill in two more to cut the halves in half, and keep going until every thing is filled in. There’s more drama that way.

I am in awe of your dexterity. I am so clumsy I can fall while sitting in the tub.