I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm retarded! I'm retarded!

This woman couldn’t have seriously thought those bills were real, right?

Please tell me I’m right and she isn’t that stupid.

And we are sure that’s a woman, right? The picture isn’t conclusive proof. I even thought I detected a 5:00 shadow but perhaps my monitor is just dirty. :wink:

Oh spare me. Even according to your link, it’s all about intent. The maker of the bill in question had no intention of passing it off as legal tender. First clue: Statue of Liberty. Second clue: IT’S FOR A MILLION DOLLARS! The intent to defraud is the retarded woman’s, bearing in mind that she’s presumed innocent until proven guilty. Maybe somebody gave it to her and convinced her it was real; up to a judge, I suspect. But the maker of the bill is not guilty of forgery.

Even if she is not that stupid, she is stupid enough to believe that someone else would think it was real.

Don’t get your panties in a wad. :stuck_out_tongue: I never said the manufacturer commited forgery, and I know perfectly well that the linked article states that intent to deceive must be present. I wasn’t disagreeing with your statement that the woman was trying to defraud Walmart.

Yes, she’s an idiot.

Um, I buy my panties wadded.

First clue? Why is the Statue of Liberty the first clue? Would you be equally suspicious if someone handed you a large denomination bill with someone named Salmon Chase on it?

Seems the software is doing weird things to links lately.

Well, I suppose stupidity is a mental issue. Seriously though, quotes like the following from the article make me think she must be really disconnected from reality.

I actually knew about her husband giving her the bill when I read this on Fark yesterday. :smiley:

Ok, that was funny. :smiley:

I agree. Logically, I would think that if she were seriously trying to pass bad money, then being called on it from the get-go should have made her panic. If I were her (and had been intentionally trying to cheat WalMart), I would have bolted from the store when the clerk said it was a fake.

What kind of post office keeps this much cash on hand? Most stores, even big ones, don’t keep this much cash in the store.

Geez! How many times does this have to happen before it’s not news any more? Anybody remember this gem of a story from a year and a half ago?

As always, The Smoking Gun is there. Check out the lawn sign in the bottom left-hand corner of the “White House” lawn!

This person, stupid as she may be, does not deserve to be arrested. This falls under my “way too idiotic to fool anyone” version of fraud.

You mean to tell me if I take a piece of ruled notebook paper, write $100 in each corner with a red crayon, then ask a bank teller to accept it, I’m a forger? :rolleyes:

This lady should have just been told to get out of the store, and arrested only if she refused to go, on trespassing charges, or some such thing.

What you’re talking about is up to a judge or a jury to decide, not an arresting officer. The cop can’t try, convict/acquit, then sentence/release on the spot.

I wonder if she does have a husband and if she thought she could just pass the blame off on someone else, real or imaginary.
I’m sure in the little world in her mind, it was the perfect plan.
Which is exactly the reason why I will never do any crime …because the Smoking Gun, SDMB and Fark will mock me. I can do the punishment, but the mocking…it’s just too, too cruel.

She shouldn’t be in jail? But…

she’s poor!

Don’t cops decide all the time to arrest or not arrest? :confused:

If I had a fake bill of any denomination, and I wanted to find a cashier stupid enough to accept it, WalMart would be the first retail store I would go.

If it was a smaller bill, I’d go with fast food.


This was the thing that struck me at the time (this must have been at least 10 years ago BTW) - not just that it was a lot of dosh for one PO to have on hand, but it must have involved several of the staff to get it together - none of whom said “hang on a bit - let’s have a closer look at that cheque…”

I think it was one of those “And finally…” items at the end of the TV news so not many details