Imagine if you were presented with this rate of facts every waking minute

This is interesting (after the “humor” parts anyway; give it a sec).

Imagine if you learned this much (about a substantive subject, anyway) every second. I would go crazy (ier).

That was utterly cool.

Doubly so

I want more… :slight_smile:

Wow, that was great!

Lingvoj interesas vin, cxu ne? Mi vidas en via subsigno, ke vi parolas Esperanton.

WOW! That was really cool.

That was really neat. I lot more useful than some things I’ve seen, that’s for sure!

I am in awe. Hmmm…I wonder if there will be more installments?


Jes, mi parolas Esperanton; gxi pli kaj pli estas kiel nova hejmo por mi… :slight_smile:

Interese, ke ni lernas la cxinajn karakterojn en la filmeto, kaj poste povas uzi kaj skribi ilin (iomete), se ni ne povas paroli la vortojn…

Interesting that we learn the Chinese characters in the movie, and can use them and write them afterwards, but we can’t actually speak them…

I heartily approve, and I want more.


That was so incredibly cool! I want more.

That’s probably the most educational use of a Flash cartoon that I’ve ever seen!
At least, its a lot more educational than my other favorite cartoon. :smiley:

Definitely very cool!