Imagine the U.S. gave out knighthoods....

Or other titles. Unlike the system here where party donors get the title of their choice cough, let’s say that these honours go to worthy people regardless of political idealogy or history.

Who would you like to see given an American knighthood? A baronetcy? Even a Dukedom?


Too many phoneys, just famous for being famous.

I was actually thinking about this the other day, with regard to actors, musicians, etc. – Sir Mick Jagger, Dame Judi Dench – who the American equivalents would be. In the arts, the equivalent would seem to be recipients of the Kennedy Center honors. list

I think things like the Medal of Freedom serve the same purpose. The kinds of people who’ve won them are the types who’d be up for honorary knighthoods in the UK.

Besides… wouldn’t it be weird to hear names like “Sir Willie Nelson” or “Sir Frank Sinatra”?

The Earl of Huckleberry (Sam Clemmens)
The Baron of Baltimore (H L Menken)


Although of course I’d be a Dame.

But there ain’t nothing like a Dame.

I used to call an old BF of mine the Viscount of Visalia (California).

He never found that funny, for some reason.

I imagine that a number of uber-famous actors would be knighted, like Jack Nicholson and Clint Eastwood.

The Butthole Surfers.

I agree. None of those people are real knights. When was the last time you saw one of them wearing a suit of armor, competing in a jousting tournament or slaying a dragon?

Hey, are you suggesting that Dame Judy Dench couldn’t slay a dragon with her bare hands? You foolish, foolish person.

You people!!!

Sir Joey Lawrence
Sir Hanson
Sir Maury Povich
Sir John Rocker
Dame Courtney Love

Dame Dolly Parton would make me so happy.

I was trying to think of people who have contributed something that made me happy, and I think Ian Falconer.

  1. He created Olivia
  2. He has a British-sounding name perfect for a knight

We already have various levels of nobility here.

Baron Von Rasche
Baron Karl Von Krupp
Lord Alfred Hayes
Lord Steven Regal
Sir Oliver Humperdink
Jerry “The King” Lawler

Don’t forget Sir Charles Barkley.

Count Basie
Duke Ellington
Saint Louis Armstrong

Knights were originally called on to defend the country, so we should award positions as officers in the armed forces! Forget any idea of getting a cushy honorary title. If you want the honor of being a knight of the U.S., then you had better be prepared to drive that Humvee down the barrel of the enemy, son! [/Cotton Hill]

Elvis, Bill Gates, and Henry Ford would probably be at “Lord Protector” level right now.

Or “God-Emperor,” on a good day.