IMDb poll: Movie presidents

From the 6/24 IMDb poll:

“Which fictional cinematic president would you most like to see in the White House – for real?”

So Martin Sheen on “The West Wing” doesn’t count.

I voted for Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact, just for the sound of his voice as he reassures everyone that we’ll be okay, we’ll rebuild.

But I’m surprised that The Contender didn’t do better. Jeff Bridges was a wily character in that (and it was a good movie, besides).

I want to see Harrison Ford from Air Force One.

If we only had a President who kicked ass first, then took names…

Wait a minute!!!


Second vote for Morgan Freeman. I’d vote for him as God, too (Bruce Almighty). I know he’s an actor, but he just sounds so convincing. I’d like to be convinced by my president–which hasn’t happened in my (long but faded) memory.

I know TV doesn’t count but I’d definitely go for Dennis Haysbert’s President Palmer from 24 before any of the movie guys listed.

I liked Kevin Kline in Dave. As regular guy Dave, not evil president in a coma Bill Harrison.

Oh, and I liked that guy that John Travolta played in True Colors. :wink:

I voted for Peter Sellars.

Hmmm, not much of a list: No Walter Huston (Gabriel Over the White House), Frederic March (Seven Days in May) or (my vote) Henry Fonda (Fail-Safe). Of those listed, I’d probably vote for Freeman too.

How about Michael Douglas in The American President?

I’m a little concerned about the .5% that voted for Donald Pleasance in Escape From New York. "You’re the Duke! You’re A-Number One! Mwahahaha!