I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Back! :)

Board Response




I’m glad you’re back. So there’s one. But how long were you gone? Some quick searching suggests a couple weeks.

I’d expect a welcome home posting party for you returning after a year. But 2 weeks over the holidays? Lotta people do that.

I hope you had fun wherever you where while you weren’t here.

Or did I miss some much larger sabbatical you took? I’ve certainly done those myself.

I know. I was just being silly. :slight_smile:

Bumping this thread.

Has anyone seen Jasmine? I notice she hasn’t posted here in over 20 minutes.


See this pinky, see this thumb; see this fist, you’d better run! :laughing:


How can we miss you if you never leave?

Nothing like starting the week with an epic whoosh! :grin:

Well, 5:00 am hit me like a bucket of ice water. I sat up in bed and vaguely wondered, “Why is it dark?” LOL

You’ll get more answers if you post this in the « Who’s missing? » thread instead of this thread started by someone nobody knows.


Jas-who now?

I swear I just heard that mouth…:blush:

So can you really shake 'em down?

You did! I’m developing “timed release” posts so you don’t have to be without me even when the real me is actually asleep at night. :upside_down_face:

[Henry Jones Junior] It ain’t the years, baby, it’s the mileage. [/Indiana Jones]

So where did you go for two weeks?


:notes:Did you see any action?
Did you make any friends?
Would you like some affection
Before [you] leave again? :musical_note:
–Head East
Never been any Reason
1975 Flat as a Pancake

I was in a suburb north of Dallas at my uncle’s beautiful house. It was a lovely time! :slight_smile: