Immortality of Michael Myers (from Halloween)

Sorry if this has been done before - I searched and didn’t find anything.

How exactly did Michael Myers become unkillable? And why did he want to dispose of his family (sisters)?
Was this ever explained?

Because no one ever used a “1920’s style death ray” on him.

When he was a wee lad he killed his sister because she was a slut, and that was back when your sisters weren’t supposed to be sluts. As for why he wanted to kill Jaimie Leee Curtis, got me.

Well, after Austin Powers, he was absolutely unkillable at the box office.

Oh. The other one.

He came from the time when people thought a child seeing an axe murder film would grow up with healthy sexual attitudes, while a child seeing a naked lady would grow up to be an axe murderer.

Get it?

Ax Murder = Healthy Sex
Sex = Ax Murder

He saw his sister in the throes of the nasty, killed her with a knife, and failed to make progress in the mental hospital after that. In fact, I think he backslid rather heavily.

Doesn’t say much for Donald Unpleasance’s psychiatry chops.

So in other words you don’t know. :wink:

Wasn’t he possessed by an Ancient Evil Celtic Spirit (No, not Ian Paisley) that had unstoppable power for just one night as long as it killed all its hosts reletives by sunrise. Normally, this was to happen Halloween Night, but Myers didn’t kill his sister by sunrise, so the spirit was trapped within him til the next year (and the next).

Something to do with the Curse of the Thorn I would wager. Here is an interesting History of M.M.

Ha, that reminds me of an essay my roommate wrote for his film class. He just wrote a bunch of crap about how Myers was a victim of society and blah blah blah wow what an interesting interpretation A+!