impeach bush?

lately i’ve heard a lot of talk about people wanting to impeach bush. i know that there are a lot of people that are against the war with iraq. last i heard though, that isn’t a cause for impeachment. is there any reason for impeachment? has he commited any “high crimes or misdemeanors”? if so, what?

“high crimes and misdemeanors” is whatever the House of Representatives deems to be that, including having oral sex in the Oval Office (or was that oval sex in the Oral Office). We went through all this just a couple years ago. Try doing an archive search on impeachment.

My own respect for America’s freedom of religion demands that Shrub be impeached for willfully deconstructing the separation of church and state.

Well, ShadiRoxan, where did you hear this and what was the reason given for wanting to impeach Bush?

A cite from someone wanting to impeach Bush would also be nice.

Zenster, I agree with you about the separation of church and state. At the same time pushing an agenda is NOT an impeachable offense.


The charges were for perjury, false and misleading testimony and obstruction of justice, all committed in legal proceedings involving oral sex in the Oval Office. This IS still GQ, is it not?

You can read one position on impeaching the sitting President at

I hope you’re kidding Zenster.

With respect to the war with Iraq, just remember that Congress gave Bush a blank check to do whatever he wants. If you wish to consider possible impeachment against Bush, also consider Congress’ complicity.

Uh, why?

Chill, Bill. I never said anyone had been impeached for the heinous crime of oral sex. It was just an example that let me engage in a little word play. Is that an impeachable offence?

Folks, let’s keep our personal political opinions out of this forum.

ShadiRoxan, in the best of circumstances, this question might be answered with facts. But facts seem to be in mighty short supply lately, so I’ll close this thread and invite you to repost your question in Great Debates forum.

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