Impeach Earl Warren

Roberts doesn’t love “socialized medicine” or anything like that; he’s just not fond with the Commerce Clause being used here. Declaring it a “tax” instead is quite clever.

Brilliant way to get in a cheap shot at Ohio, mod-tard.

oh, well alrighty then. :cool:

I don’t think the OP was picking on the south exclusively. The Impeach Warren stickers were used by hayseeds and rednecks. Look at the electoral map of today- the states that you can automatically color in red before either nominee is named are pretty easy to list by anyone who follows politics- those were the fertile grounds for the anti-Warren movement of old.

That isn’t to say that southerners don’t deserve our condescending ridicule. Indianans and Kansans may be ignorant hayseeds, but at least they aren’t fucking inbred hillbilly redneck traitorous rebels.

I’m not mad at Roberts. I don’t really care much about the Constitutionality (???) arguments. I just wonder how America is going to pay for this. We cannot afford jack shit. We are deeply in debt as a nation and its only getting worse. Foisting this debt burden upon our children and grandchildren is downright criminal.

There will be no good future for this country if we don’t reverse course WRT spending immediately.

And before you get all “mouth breather” on me, its not just UHC…its *everything *we waste money on…wars, unnecessary regulation/studies/whatever, etc.

Do you ever read your own stuff and think, “you know, I seem to be a lot more belligerent than most people”? Just sayin’.

Also, Samclem was talking about 1959, fer fuck’s sake. You joining Starving Artist in declaring that period to be our Golden Age, or what?

I thought that sentiment was already taken by the pointy-heads who didn’t like Citizens United.

Fortunately, socialized medicine is cheaper than our current system. Unfortunately, since it’s paid for by the ebil goverment, ideologues might refuse to pay for it while simultaneously not being able to repeal it due to its popularity (hearkening back to the spend-and-spend days of the 2000s). That’s the real issue, not whether America overall can afford it. In a way, we can’t afford not to.

Well…it kinda was our Golden Age…the big war was over, the economy was stable, Americans were on the move, cars were cool, gas was cheap, and most importantly…people were polite, didn’t use drugs or potty language and black people knew their place! Those were halcyon days!

Typical Southerner, sees “Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, much of the South and probably many other states” and reads it as “the South.”

And then gets all het up and rarin’ for a fight over it.

How myopic do you have to be to see the above quoted statement as a slam on the South? Was that sarcasm or Poe’s Law?

I’m not saying the south should be paved as an offsite-parking lot for New York, but it might be a better use of the space. :smiley:

It’s kinda funny how I haven’t heard a single person who is unhappy with the result in Citizens United make that suggestion yet within a few hours of the ACA decision the loons on Free Republic were already calling for Roberts impeachment.

According to Free Republiche is worse than Benedict Arnold.. Thats not true, Arnold was a traitor, but he eventually saw the light.

Because you are old and remember something that happened 50 years ago?

Well, to be fair, we do have a few of those as well. Ol’ John Brown only managed to slay a couple of 'em before he ran off to try and empancipate Virginia.

Go back to your ancestor worship you clown.

Bear in mind that in the weeks prior to the decision, when there was a lot of speculation that the Act would be struck down, we heard several commentators on the opposite end of the political spectrum predicting that to overturn the Act would wreck the legitimacy of the Court. Functionally the same thing as “impeach so-and-so.”

Well to be fair, given the education level of Mississippi, I would bet that at least half of that 46 percent didn’t know what interracial meant.

Elvis was born in 1935. Maybe his folks would have moved him North by then?

Of course, his “Northern” upbringing would have affected his music. So that means there we’d have to forego “Kissing Cousins” and “JailHouse Rock.” :stuck_out_tongue:

What does “bite me in fee simple absolute” mean?