Impeach Earl Warren

Never go full retard.

I only opened this thread to see how many posts until someone made the Simpsons reference. 10! You guys are slowing down.

You do know that we ALREADY pay for medical care for the uninsured, right? If you go to the hospital with an injury, and don’t have insurance and can’t pay out of pocket, they don’t dump your poor-ass dying carcass in the street, they treat you.

So how is this bill going to raise health care costs?

So your opposed to a bill that’s projected to lower the deficit because your worried about the deficit?

I believe it is intended to mean unreservedly although I am unsure. Fee simple absolute seems to refer to the highest level of land ownership that exists in common law, that is ownership with the greatest degree of control. I’m no lawyer though and it probably shows.

As silly as this thread and some of its responses has been, it’s caused me to learn something, and that’s never bad.

It turns out that only one Supreme Court justice, Samuel Chase, has ever been impeached, it was early in the history of the country, and it apparently went nowhere as he was acquitted by a hefty margin. Interestingly, his impeachment was on the grounds of “…allegedly letting his partisan leanings affect his court decisions”.

So, it seems, aside from the, er, rather spotty precedent for such an action, it sure looks as though Justice Roberts was doing pretty much the opposite of what Chase got in trouble for. Those who might call for his impeachment, therefore, are basically demanding that “…his partisan leanings affect his court decisions”. While I might stop short of calling such people a bunch of inbred yokels with their pin heads firmly up their asses, I at least have to question whether they have any real idea what they are talking about.

Yeah, but what about all that Jazz and Rock n Roll music!!

Bolding was mine.

It would seem that along with 95% of Americans disrespecting Congress and 40% hating the president, (and many more not particularily caring for him) that a significant number will now disrespect the Supreme Court as well.

Maybe Americans can get together and cheer for the Olympic team this summer.

Is it also a cheap shot if I mention that Selma is in Alabama? Because, you know, that one’s also true. :confused:

Scalia was always a partisan hack. But 25 years ago he was entertaining as a writer. In short, the judicial version of Christopher Hitchens, may his non-soul rest in fictitious peace. Scalia isn’t even an entertaining writer anymore. He’s just a partisan hack.

Huh. I would have thought that paper towel tubes were invented prior to then.

Ignorance fought! :smiley:

Anything additional the government does costs money. There will be new agencies created, enforcement divisions…new government employees, so the government’s size, influence and payroll grows. I don’t like it.

And even though projections and politicians say that this is supposed to lower health care costs, I don’t believe them. The government has proven to be remarkably untrustworthy with our money.

Finally, if this is such a kick-ass idea, why aren’t the members of Congress, the President and everyone else in that type of government position beholden to it like the rest of us?

:rolleyes: That’s a great reason to be opposed to a law that will lower health care costs. And why the fuck is it that people like you who obviously have no idea how spending works or what we’re spending money on think you have some insight into the budget?

:rolleyes: Yes, make up your own special facts that are different from the regular facts the rest of us rely on.

What the fuck does this even mean? Jesus Goddamn Christ.

Awww, lay off Oakminster. He hasn’t had a chance to go message board tough guy in a while, so naturally when he saw the words “ignorant” and “South” in the same OP he reflexively jumped into white knight mode. It’s just like when you really have to pee: you can’t always be taking the time to carefully assess whether you’re in a bathroom stall or a Target changing room before letting fly. It’s a perfectly understandable mistake.

What the fuck do YOU mean, “people like me”? What kind of fucking crack is that? You don’t know me, motherfucker. I posted some concerns, that’s it. So why don’t you make lame attempts to mock someone that is posting in honesty instead of addressing them…wait, you already did that, you turd-burgler.

And it was my understanding that Congresspeople, the President, etc are all exempt from this act…while we are not. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong…or just resort to your immature bullshit, whichever.

And even more hated than that was the decision in Miranda v. Arizona, which was pretty much the hallmark of his court.

People like you who manifestly know jack shit about the federal budget (and if you don’t think that came through in your posts loud and clear, I don’t know what to say) but are magically certain of things contrary to the mere facts us mortals have to rely on. Facts like, for example, the projections that show that the ACA is going to save money.

:rolleyes: Uh, they’re not, and what would make you believe something so stupid? The President and members of Congress already receive health care benefits, as they’re federal employees, and so that satisfies the mandate. What the hell would a special “exemption” accomplish, as they already have health care which is what the mandate requires?

Jesus Christ. Are you really as stupid as you’re acting or is this some kind of performance art?

Ah yes, you are correct. The nuts hate having to read an accused their rights.

Gee, thanks. You’re swell. I suppose in your illustrious perfection you have never made a mistake or misspoke.

I read something about the Congress getting additional health care benefits above what “regular” federal workers get, which is what I was referring to, but what I read made those “extras” seem a hell of a lot more luxurious than they really are. So I made a mistake. And I used to work for the government in a military capacity. So I will own up to that one.

So, my assertion about anything the government does costs money is incorrect then? How so? Doesn’t it cost money for them to do just about anything?

Sorry, I’m pretty suspicious of a government (regardless of which corporate money whores are in office) that’s 13 trillion in debt with no end in sight.

Clearly you’ve never had to explain this to one of those asshole Dilbert-esque Target floor managers and now you have to shop and fucking K-Mart for the next two years.

Anyway, if history holds true, Oakminster won’t be back to either apologize or back up his shit talking.