In 9 Days...

In 9 days I will wake up at 7, not 12.
In 9 days I will take the bus to school, not the mall or the movies.
In 9 days I will meet the people I hate, not the people I enjoyed my summer with.
In 9 days I will have to listen to the same old boring PA announcement, not the rock stations on the radio.
In 9 days I will have to do homework, not sleep.
In 9 days I will be bored, not having fun.
In 9 days I will be in school.

[Nelson] Ha ha! [/Nelson]

In 9 days, I will have a clean house.
In 9 days, I will have a friend over for coffee.
In 9 days, I can take a long, relaxing bubble bath.
In 9 days, I will be able to read a book.
In 9 days, it will be possible to have an uninterupted phone call.
In 9 days, going to the grocery store will not be a major hassle.
In 9 days, My Kids will be going back to school. :smiley:

But, I will still miss them.

In 9 days, I will probably still be sitting on my lazy butt.
In 9 days, I will still be overjoyed that I never have to go to high school again. ( I graduated in June)

In 9 days, I will probably be doing much the same as usual.
In 9 days, I will be happy that I no longer have to see my sister, at least for four months. [obligatory big-sister family utterance] I guess I’ll miss her, though. [/obligatory big-sister family utterance]


Nine days ago I was already in school you lucky bastard.

pffffft - the Perfect Child[sup]TM[/sup] has already had 13 school days - they went back on Aug 7.

In not too long I’m a senior… Then I can start counting down the number of days until I can get the hell out of here.

Sweetie. Help me out here. What is the theory about going back to school so early this year. It seems to be an epidemic. Do they get out in May? Am I missing something?

I’m back to school in checks calendar NOOOOOOO!!! Five days.

And I don’t get out till end of June.
