To add to this – there is a Chinese movie (courtesy of the great Stephen Cho), a comedy, whose title in English is “Kung Fu Hustle” (in Spanish it is “Kung Fu Sion”, a play on words with the Spanish word “confusión”).
As far as I understand it, the different actors in the Chinese original speak Mandarin with noticeable regional accents. So… When they made the Spanish dub, they did the same, taking accents, but relative to Spain.
So, the ones I was able to identify were:
-A particular character who speaks with an accent from the “far west” of China → They had him speak Mexican Spanish.
-Another speaks with an accent from the “far southwest” of China → They had him speak Argentinian Spanish.
-A bunch of characters speak with accent from the south of China → They speak in stereotypical Andalusian Spanish.
-Another character (a farmer woman) speaks with an accent from the Northwest of China → She was dubbed by someone speaking very much like a Galician woman.
-A pair of characters speak with accent from the “far north” of China → They speak with very strong French accents.
-The (arguably) “big bad” speaks with a strong Taiwanese accent → They dubbed him as speaking with a very strong Italian accent.
-The main character is a stereotypical “big city bad boy” → They dubbed him in a way that reminds you of a “chulo madrileño”, from the Spanish capital.
-The main character’s sidekick speaks with a strong east coast accent → They dubbed him with a very VERY strong Catalan accent.
The effect is astonishingly hilarious, because the LAST thing you expect when you watch this movie for the first time is to have a bunch of Chinese actors “speaking” in different Spanish accents. But it works, and it actually reflects (as much as possible) the variety of accents in the original… Only in a rather strange way