In Praise of Pooches (Fun Dog Trivia)

Come on, you can’t just leave us hanging here. Now that you posted, everyone needs to know the answer. I didn’t even know there was dog ice cream. Maybe slip some to your wife, accidentally. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, that would keep her from eating all of our ice cream… :thinking:

See, the plan is already forming.

Pointing at things and the dog looks at is a hard concept to learn but once they know it, it is a curse.
I tell the dogs the store bought(not by me) pupperonis are all gone. They all look at the pantry door.
I decided to trick them one day and put the pupperonis in the freezer in the garage.
They conveniently came begging later that day.
I said “All gone”
Simultaneously they looked at the door to the garage.
Yep that deserves a treat, I think.
I go out to the garage with my doggie parade behind me.
The pupperonis were frozen solid.
I dropped one and it shattered.
All dogs scrambled for a piece.
Now they get less treats but are happy as clams.
Don’t know about doggie ice cream but they love frozen pupperonis.

My Bernese loved Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream* (and so do I) so I never really saw the point of doggie ice cream. But if your pooch prefers the special doggie variety, by all means indulge him! :dog:

* - His usual birthday dinner always included two bacon-wrapped filet mignons, grilled but just rare, and Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Can I be your dog in my next life?

Sure! You’re smart and spunky – you’d make a great dog in your next life! And my dogs have definitely been treated like royalty. I just don’t know how hard it might be in the Afterlife to make it from Arkansas to Ontario.

We won’t worry about that. I’ll get there!

For owners of sight hounds there is a sport called lure coursing where they chase a lure on a motor driven string. The string is laid out in a circuit 200 to 600 yards long guided by pulleys and there are several changes in direction to simulate a hare’s running.

Most people get to watch the other dogs run but we never could because our guys would watch too, figure out the course, and take a shortcut to be waiting where the lure will be in a few seconds.

Bayliss is an unknown breed. He came to me if as by magic. He looks mostly shepherdish.
And he’s definitely got the shepherd eye. He can, does herd, anything but cats.

He’s always watching other things going on as well. It’s uncanny. He always sees.
I think there’s a healthy dose of sighthound in him.
He rarely chases tho’. Had a run in with a squirrel, once or twice.
And like your dogs he figures things out. The squirrel took him serious after he found out Bayliss would be at the trunk of the 3rd tree when he jumped off to go up another tree. So now he just chatters rudely as we pass buy his home tree.

That looks like fun. How do they get the lure to change direction?

It’s on a tight string in a loop with pulleys changing the direction. Here and here are the two courses used in the Desert Fun Bunch’s trials a couple weeks ago.

Here is more than you could possibly want to know about the sport with ASFA’s* beginner’s guide. It started in San Diego in the 1970s and the Desert Fun Bunch here in Arizona was second. AKC also has lure coursing at a few of its trials.

*American Sighthound Field Association.

Ah, thanks.