In what ways are you most like the stereotype of your opposite orientation or gender?

I’m a girl and in most senses a “typical girl”. But I have an excellent sense of direction and a huge collection of power tools, including stuff like hand planes. When they made us take the ASVAB in high school I scored in something like the 99th percentile among girls for the mechanical parts, which were mostly really spatial - which direction would this gear go in if we spin this one, which picture is this thing from above, etc. The funny thing is that my boyfriend can’t find his way out of a paper bag. Thank god they invented GPS, because he’s lucky he doesn’t get lost going to the bathroom.

ETA - I’m an INTJ too, just like Gandalf and Hannibal Lecter.

While I’m female, I also apparently communicate like a guy and have been told that I come across as a hard person because of this. Apparently this means being direct and blunt as hell, no frills, these are issues XYZ and here are some possible solutions, etc. “But I talk like everyone else at work!” :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a twisted and fairly dry sense of humor, I don’t get super emotional unless it’s to squee over the latest and greatest piece of computer hardware or game. I wear heavy boots (Fluevogs or Durango harness boots) or flipflops, and jeans 364 days of the year.

I game quite a bit – Wii/GC/DS, PS2, PC, web games. I threaten to run away and become a carpenter or cabinetmaker on a regular basis when I get fed up with slaving over a hot keyboard. Hey, using power tools is more fun than the circus.

I don’t mind snakes or most bugs (unless it’s Jerusalem crickets) or mice or worms/slugs/etc.

I’m a straight male. I HATE football. Fuckin’ hate, hate, hate it. I hate the abssurd nature of the game itself. I hate the players. I hate the coaches. I hate the artificial fanaticism. I hate the weather it’s played in. I HATE FOOTBALL!

Oops! Was I ranting? Sorry. I dislike football.

My mom likes to say I have an X chromosome with a short leg.

I’m logical and unemotional. I dislike shopping (unless it’s toys or books). I’m not into shoes. I hate it when people ramble/babble - get to the point!

I think it’s more that I’m a geek than anything else.

Straight male. I’m an absolute weakling, physically. I can just barely bench press the bar, without any weights on it, and I once lost an arm-wrestling match with a 90-pound woman.

Also, I cry at pretty much anything cry-worthy in a book, movie, or song.

Straight Female Here… I posed this question on another message board once & found the responces very interesting. Here are mine:

Manly Janis:
–prefer boxers to undies.

–prefer men’s colonge to perfume (coolwater & drakkar are my faves)

–hate shoe shopping

–I fucking swear a lot


–Not afraid of creepy crawlies/ bats, mice, etc. (except for roaches) I even like snakes

–I don’t mess with my hair a lot,

–I am more comfortable around guys then chicks

–I burp & fart

–I can’t sew worth a plug nickel.

–I sing Male Vocals at the Kareoke Bar, I can even do Elvis.

–I Heart porn

–Roleplayer, Star trek geek

–I am mostly comfortable with my weight.

–I chew my nails

–My Handwriting is damn near indecipherable

–Rather Sloppy in General

–when I talk about serious stuff, my vioce gets deep

Girly Janis
–I scream when a see a Roach see above

–I Cry a lot

–Can’t sew. but I can cook

–Romance Novels? Bring em on!

–I don’t wear it all the time, but yay for makeup

–Extremely sensitive & empathetic

–me = Mushy

–Strong maternal instinct.


Straight male-
Not athletic at all. Will watch sports casually but not a big fan (tho I like the Colts- it’s a Hoosier thing!).
Very sentimental, cry easily.
Fall for tomboyish girls who turn out to be lesbian.
I’ve too often been “the safe male friend” for very feminine girls who are voraciously straight- just not interested in me sexually. And I’ve fallen for them also.
I’ve had lots of galpals, only one girlfriend.
Like to go to cafes’, shows, etc. with Mom & her galpals.
Can actually give Mom & other women recommendations on outfits & jewelry- AND FULLY EXPLAIN THESE RECOMMENDATIONS.

Leonard on The Big Bang Theory is my TV hero.

Straight male:

Some people have a good sense of direction. Some people have a bad sense of direction. I have none.

I’ve never known how to throw things hard and accurately (this baffled me as a child, as in: what’s wrong with me when all my friends throw a snowball twice as far as I do?).

I like melodramatic, emotional, showtunish music (hate musicals, though, and love speed and thrash metal, too).

I’m very particular about what I wear and obsessive about my hair, pimples, wrinkles, “how do I look?” in general.

I have absolutely no interest in team sports and I hated school PE. I have found the joys of training in my adulthood, though, and lift weights, mostly to look good naked (see the preceding paragraph).

I don’t have a driver’s license or a car. I feel afraid at high speeds.

Gay male.

My favorite store is Home Depot (I’ve been accused of being a closet lesbian).

I love doing yard work, but loathe doing housework.

I don’t remember the last time I was in a bar. My idea of “nightlife” is sitting at home, watching CNN.

I do not trim my eyebrows, or any body hair.

I can’t stand Bette Midler or Patti LuPone.

I hate entertaining or even cooking for others.

I don’t drink.

My partner and I have separate houses. We are totally compatible in every respect except domestically.

I’d much rather spend my vacation hiking through the Southwest or climbing an active volcano, than going to P-town or on a gay cruise.

I don’t like anal sex (neither as a pitcher nor a catcher).

I’m a straight guy.

I’ve been told by girlfriends and psychologists alike that I’m very in touch with my emotions, and I’d have to agree with them, as I spend what I would consider an above-average amount of time thinking about them, and sometimes being controlled by them.

I can’t do anything related to automotive repair or diagnosis that’s more complicated than changing a tire or a fuse.

I like a lot of girly music (10,000 Maniacs, Tori Amos, Tegan and Sara, etc.).

It’s not uncommon for the kinds of girls I connect with to turn out to be lesbians.

Straight Male. It’d almost be easier for me to list the ways I fit my steroetype, and just assume I’m a girl in everything else.

How I’m a straight guy stereotype:
Into science and geeky stuff.
Great at spacial reasoning and direction.
Can become hypnotized by cleavage. I know your eyes are up there, but they’re not nearly as interesting as those.
I’m blading.
Fuck, if I don’t love to swear.
Nothing sacred when it comes to humor. Or, anything really.
When I become interested in something, I border obsession until I burn it out.
Unorganized and would love a year of laying on the couch in my boxer-briefs, eating Combos.
Love games and competition.

Ways I’m more like a chick.
Love shopping for designer clothes, jackets, shoes, jeans, etc.
FREAKED out by spiders, bugs, things with more legs than I have fingers, and larvae.
Creative, arty, love music, books, and films.
Can’t stand sports.
Very emotional and empathetic, but I hide it well (I hope).
Love friends, talking and having laughs.
I love hanging out with chicks in general. I just feel more comfortable around girls. Talk is easier, and most women are more interesting in conversation. I also love to make funny. And a lot of girls like funny.
I love scented candles.
I love sweetened, flavored coffee.
I like to cuddle/snuggle.
I’m insecure most of the time.
I prefer soft and clean, to rough and dirty.
I have girly hands.
I can be very critical and judgmental over superficial things like appearance. Although, I’m not rude or candid about these opinions.
I love decorating
I have a great eye for color.
I’m a designer by profession, for Og’s sake.
I giggle a lot.
I have a great ass, and legs that just keep on going up!

Straight male.

I find sports of any kind boring at best, and often irritating, to the point of headache inducing. Both to watch and to play.

I dislike crudity; burping, spitting, swearing and so forth.

I don’t drink.

I’m a straight woman.

Girls don’t play RPGs (we’re allowed to be in theater plays, tho, go figure).
Girls don’t do well in math.
Girls aren’t engineers.
Girls like pink (excuse me while I go puke).
Girls like bows and ruffles and… arrrrrrggggggggh!
Girls don’t do draftsmanship, much less CAD.
Because girls don’t like computers.
Girls don’t like planes.
Or flying.
Or fast cars that don’t have an old geezer or Richard Gere attached.
Women worry a lot about “he said, she said” and “oh my gawd I greeted her and she didn’t greet me back” and “does this make my butt look fat.”
Females of any age group apparently don’t like Siniestro Total, Mago de Oz, Rammstein or Nightwish.

OTOH, well, I do have my periods, I do get PMS and I do wear skirts sometimes.

Heh heh, I’m a straight male and I love show tunes!

[li]I’m missing that little microchip in my head that’s supposed to make me interested in cars.[/li][li]Not only do I love show tunes and musicals but I also love period pieces with elaborate costumes.[/li][li]Whenever I hit a museum that has a display of period dresses I always make sure I go see it.[/li][/ul]

I am a straight, celibate woman who:

Loves musicals.
Is very direct with people. I cannot stand bullshit.
Has no interest in fashion. Odd, cause I have an amazing innate sense for it.
Doesn’t fix my hair or wear makeup.
Isn’t interested in sex. And doesn’t tzke any bullshit on the subject.

Straight girl.

*Not the least bit interested in fashion or home furnishing/decorating.
*I actually hate to shop for clothes and will only go to clothes stores if I need to get something specific.
*I love to swear and do so frequently.
*I don’t put inordinate effort into my appearance (no makeup, etc.)
*I love math.
*Not graceful or “polished” - very non-girly.
*Oh, and I don’t even own a skirt.

I’m a woman:

I don’t like shopping - I don’t like spending money at all
I love football - soccer that is
I can’t join in with the “all men are bastards” thing
I do plumbing (minor)
I bang my sticky starter motor to get it going - I’ll be the one bump-starting your car
My hair gets cut every two years or so
I love all creatures - spiders are good!
I’m a bangers and mash kind of a cook
I love my small tits
I swear a lot

I do get hit on by lesbians but I’m straight.

Oh, I like you.

But you wouldn’t like me. :slight_smile:

Straight male.

Years ago I was talking with a nextdoor neighbor in my apartment complex. She said “You’re gay, right?” I laughed and asked why she’d think that. She said “Well, you’ve got a great job and a beautifully decorated apartment.”

Okay… I like antiques, art and have good decorating sense.

Straight girl. Daddy is an engineer. I was very much Daddy’s Girl when growing up. I worked in IT as an undergrad. Currently, while trying to get hired into IT again, I am throwing freight.

I don’t get the girly gossip stuff. When I am caught in a group of women who insist on “dishing” on everyone they know, I contemplate puncturing my eardrums. I didn’t get people until I started approaching things like an engineer instead of like a theoretical physicist. “When you press this button, that happens. God only knows why that happens, but it does, so design around it.” This is so disturbingly successful and accurate that I now have a degree in sociology.

My roommates are much the same. Roommate the Blonde owns some serious tools and just bought Speed Racer on BluRay. Roommate the Brown still has a stack of SuperNintendo games that she rescued from her mother when she left for college. We moved in together with eight assorted video game consoles – not counting any of the portable ones – and zero furniture.

(We fixed that! We bought bookshelves! :D)