In what ways are you most like the stereotype of your opposite orientation or gender?

Straight female:

I hate talking about my emotions.

I don’t wear makeup.

I don’t wear jewelry, not even my wedding ring.

I bite my nails.

I love action movies with guns and car chases and all that stuff. I don’t dislike romantic comedies, but it’s more for the comedy than the romance. But I hate those movies where it’s just people sitting around lamenting how their life sucks and how they’re never going to find their one true love.

I’ve been a computer game player since the majority of gamers were male, and I know more about the computer game industry than most. I can give you release dates for a lot of upcoming games, and I play a lot of titles that have a mostly male audience. The XBox360 and Wii are mine, too.

I build my own computer and have for about 10 years. I know exactly what parts are in my computer, because I put them there. (Though if you ask me what my motherboard is, I could well give you the name of an old one. I’ve put a lot of motherboards in over the years, and those model numbers all mesh together after a while.)

I love snakes, rats, mice, and bats. I hate insects, though.

I hate shopping for the most part. I’d rather get in, get what I need, and get out. More than 2 hours and I’m getting really, really bored, no matter what the shopping is for.

Anyone care to tell me what the “opposite” orientation to bisexual is? :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, I’m a girl, and I:

Hate hate HATE being around babies. All the damn things do is scream, eat, and infect you with nasty baby germs. Same goes for toddlers. Keep them away from me until they turn four, at least. Six if at all possible.

Same goes for baby showers and wedding showers. Seriously, the cheesiness is nauseating. The last baby shower I went to, one of the women there tried to get people to melt chocolate bars in baby diapers in the microwave. Double-yoo-tee-eff.

Like Nava said, pink and frilly things make me urrrrgh.

Same goes for that Victoria’s Secret stuff. I can’t stand being in that store. My friends drag me in there when mall-crawling a lot, and I have to resist the temptation to run out screaming. Who wants to wear things with words pasted across the butt, anyways? How tacky can you get?

I love BIG dogs, like Great Pyrenees and Newfoundlands. My kind of dog is one that is big enough to eat off the dining room table and can “dance” with you on the living room floor. Little yappy dogs are just annoying as hell.

This is me, too. I love building things and am the handy-person around the house.

I’m also really direct about approaching my husband for sex.

I’m a bit of a packing chameleon: if I have the room, I’ll pack everything and the kitchen sink for a trip, but if we’re flying or I need the extra room for my son’s stuff, I can reduce the amount of stuff I “need” to a single standard school backpack for a long weekend. I once made the 4-day climb up Macchu Picchu with just my book bag from college.

I take less than 20 minutes to get ready every morning (but somehow I manage to get a full shower, brush my teeth, put gel in my hair, dress decently and put on makeup) and can further compress it to 10-15 minutes if necessary.

I’m extremely competitive. I know this is less of a man-thing now, but I still remember when girls were less competitive than guys, but I’ve always been the tomboy who played basketball all day with the end goal being to kick some ass, male or female. Jeez, now I want to go buy a volleyball.

Ways I’m very girly:

I cry involuntarily during arguments. I’m really not doing it to be manipulative; I just can’t help it.

I don’t like my fingernails painted, but I do like them longer and well groomed. I wish I could find more time to paint my toenails, but by the time I remember, I’m too tired.

I get all fluttery when my husband goes caveman on me. It’s really embarrassing because one of the qualities my friends tell me they like best is that I’m really sarcastic and biting and bitchy sometimes. It’s a skill I honed in college and perfected in a very male-dominated, competitive field. But at home when my husband tosses me over his shoulder or otherwise attacks me unprovoked… Just thinking about it makes me weak in the knees.

I am a female and I can not stand to talk on the phone or talk about my day. As my friends whine that their SOs don’t listen to them I feel jealous because all I want is peace and quiet after my day and my husband to shut the heck up. Which actually makes him more like a female than I am in that respect. Although I don’t care about who holds the remote so I think that evens things out.

Straight, female.

Shoes. I just don’t get the love for shoes.

Straight female.

I can’t read nonverbal cues, so I communicate like a guy. If you want me to know something, you have to say it in words- if you try to imply it through body language or tone of voice or whatever, chances are very good that it will fly right past me. As a result, I communicate like a guy. If you ask me what’s wrong, I won’t say “nothing” and expect you to pick up on it from my face or voice or whatever and continue the discussion- I said “nothing” because there really is nothing wrong that I’m interested in discussing.

I don’t gossip. I only care about who’s having sex with who as it applies to two people in the entire world- me, and Mr. Neville. If it doesn’t involve one of us, I couldn’t care less.

I have never gone to the ladies’ room with someone.

I don’t wear makeup or do anything with my nails other than cut them when they break. The last time I polished my nails, Bush I was in the White House. The last time I wore makeup was at my wedding in 2003, and the last time before that was for my high school senior picture in 1992.

Straight female here.

I’m not emotional, I don’t like talking about emotions or having deep heart-to-hearts about feelings. I despise indirect communication, especially of the “stereotypical female” type. The only reason I didn’t have a hard time in high school is because I had a best friend who was very similar and we just avoided the rest of the girls except when necessary.

I don’t do emotional excess (screaming fits, crying jags, etc.) and I get very uncomfortable about people who do.

I can’t stand passive aggressive people.

I like to ride motorcycles.

I love computer games and have been puttering with computers since the mid-70s (my dad’s a nerd, and I picked up his nerd-genes).

I don’t like babies, toddlers, small children, or pretty much anything to do with them. I don’t like talking about them, interacting with them, or otherwise acknowledging their existence unless forced.

I don’t like romance novels, celebrity gossip rags, or anything similar. I can’t figure out why anyone could possibly care less that Overexposed Celebrity A is sleeping with Overexposed Celebrity B, who’s having a baby, or who looks fat this year.

I don’t like girly clothes at all. I don’t own a dress or skirt (though I do have a Utilikilt) and feel like I’m in drag if ever forced to wear one. Ditto any kind of girly shoes (especially high heels).

I like snakes and lizards, though I don’t care for bugs (spiders in particular).

Up until about a year ago I played ice hockey.

I hate small talk, though I love having long substantive discussions, particularly late at night.

Though I have a high degree of emotional empathy (I can usually tell how someone feels about me, and am good about picking up subtle cues about people’s moods and adjusting accordingly) I don’t have a nurturing bone in my body when it comes to humans. That doesn’t mean I won’t happily bring you soup and give you a foot rub if you’re my spouse and you’re sick–it just means that I don’t get my sense of worth by taking care of other people.

When I get money, I spend it on gadgets, electronic goodies, books, computer games, musical instruments, and similar.

I’m competitive and if something matters to me I want to be the best at it. If I don’t have a reasonable shot at being at the top if I work hard, I tend to lose interest.

I don’t wear makeup, nail polish, girly jewelry, or any other feminine adornments.

I love fast sexy cars–but I want to drive it, not ride around in the passenger seat.
Seriously, sometimes I think I’m a gay guy in a girl suit. Although, that said:

I go to pieces over cute kittens, and get very upset when animals (especially cats) are hurt.

I have way too many shoes (even though they’re all boots and athletic shoes and other similar things).

I don’t like sports (can tolerate football and hockey, but even those bore me if I have to watch them too long) and can’t stand “sports news” type shows.

Politics bore me.

I don’t like to drink, and can’t stand the taste of beer or wine.

I’m not good with spacial relationships (I do terribly on those tests where you have to fold things up in your mind and say which shape they make, and I can’t tell north from south if you spot me a compass most of the time).

I’m not great at putting things together. I can do it if forced, but I’m happy to let the spouse do that since he’s better at it than I am.

I’m a good counselor (I often think I missed my calling) and can usually get to the heart of friends’ problems after talking to them for a bit and offer them nonjudgmental advice or insights.

That’s about as stereotypically girly as I get, though.

Straight girl.

Hate shopping for, but love new clothes and shoes (can’t they just somehow appear?) I loathe the whole looking for/trying on thing.

I hate talking on the phone. Exchange necessary info, make the plan…buh bye!

Straight Female.

I don’t wear make-up. Ever.

I own two pairs of shoes. It used to be one pair, but I bought a pair of sandals for the summer.

I don’t wear dresses.

I don’t window shop. In fact, I can’t think of anything more painful/boring/pointless than shopping.

I don’t clean. I’m not the housekeeper/cook/etc of the family.

I love football. My husband never watched football before we met. I told him he better get used to it, because on Sundays, I watch football. I hate the fact that I can’t have DirecTV where I live, because I need Sunday Ticket. I watch the NFL Channel and try to stay caught up on all the news and commentary. Every facet of the sport fascinates me. And I hate, hate, hate women who complain about being “football widows” or whatever. What the fuck is wrong with those people? They don’t have a hobby they can do on Sunday afternoons? They can’t sit down with their husbands and learn the game?

The biggest one, and the one that causes me the most trouble, is how I communicate. I’ve seen over and over that women are the “ranters” and men are the “fixers.” That women just want somebody to listen to them while men want to fix problems. Well, I cannot stand to listen to people talk about their feelings or their problems unless they are looking for a way to fix it. If you don’t want me to fix it, why are you talking to me? I don’t give a fuck! Go post about it in your livejournal or something. On the flip side, when I bring my problems to people, I want their input, advice, and pointers. I want to know if they have experience in dealing with said problem. There’s nothing I hate more than people who listen and make supportive noises like “I’m sure you can handle it.” I’m sure I can handle it, too! Now, give me something useful! My husband is the exact opposite. Almost all our fights come down to this very simple problem. We’re both aware of it, and I try to work on it, but it’s freaking hard.

(Mostly) straight female checking in here.

Ways in which I meet my stereotype:
[li]I love love love shoes[/li][li]I have body-image issues galore[/li][li]I’m catty as hell[/li][li]I’m moody as hell[/li][/ul]

Reasons people wonder if I am a guy:
[li]I LOATHE shopping – not just the trying on part, most women hate that. When I go to a store, I know what I want, I know what size I wear, if it’s not there, I leave. I don’t look around, look around, ooh, look at this, look around – not for me.[/li][li]I abhor chick flicks. Titanic? I know the ending, no need to watch it. Beaches? I could have killed the guy who took me to see that on a date. WTF?[/li][li]I like comic books. I have more Spiderman swag than any basement dweller I know.[/li][li]I hate talking on the phone. I know, I know, I do it for a living, but I hate it outside of work. Even when I wasn’t working in a call center, I hated talking on the phone.[/li][li]I don’t like to cuddle. Ever. Especially not after sex.[/li][li]I’m not nurturing.[/li][li]I am not compassionate, empathetic or sympathetic.[/li][li]I am exceedingly logical and tend to analyse everything before making a decision, I prefer computers to humans because of the logic factor.[/li][li]When someone says “I have a problem” my response is “ok, let’s fix it” not “oh, do you want to talk about it?” – this drives my teenaged daughter nuts[/li][li]Even though I have an awesome sense of fashion, I just don’t care enough to polish my nails, do my hair, etc every day[/li][li]god, I am feeling like a man now, thanks, this is the end of it[/li][/ul]

Female checking in. A lot of these are relationship stereotypes. Let us see…

Don’t like to have him pay. Even if he makes oodles and oodles of money. Creates an uneven playing field, where I feel “kept” and like I owe him something.

I hate labels. You’re not hooking up with anyone else? Awesome. Me neither. Don’t introduce me as your “girlfriend”, even if we’ve been together a year. Just say my name. They’ll get the idea when I ask if you need another beer and your hand casually finds mine.

I’m going to keep my last name. It was the name I was born with, it’ll be the name I die with. Don’t tell me that when I get married I’ll change my mind. My mother is no less my mother because we have different last names.

In this vein, I don’t want a baby. Not now, not in ten years. I’m going to be the cool aunt that lets you have wine at dinner and pays for you to go paint balling.

Food. I can’t date anyone who doesn’t take food pretty seriously. I don’t mean expensive, I mean good. Speaking of, when are we going to that place with the partially dirt floor and delicious dosa/burgers/seared tofu again?

Crown and Coke over wine and champagne, please.

I prefer logical, sound discussions to “how are you feeling”.

I’ve heard that women frequently get these “headaches” which prohibit them from sexual activity. As far as I know, this is an urban legend.

Porn is great for men, so long as they never go to it before going to me. And women have no moral high ground here - those romance novels are porn in print.

I’ve never wondered “where is this going!?!” or “do we need to have a talk about the future?!!” in a relationship. I can see the answer in the way you grasp my hand and the way your face lights up when I’m introduced to your friends.

I enjoy physical, outdoorsy activities. I don’t get the “I just got my nails done” thing. They make nailbrushes for this very reason - to get the gunk out.

I can put things together. Be it cabinets, tinkering with new software, programming a DVR, or teaching myself or anyone else how to use their cell phone, I like it and am good at it.

Teasing and joking around with the guys, while watching football, is awesome. Balls jokes are funny.

I’m often loud and the center of attention, by telling jokes and stories laced with profanities. This may not be ladylike, but when others are enjoying themselves around me, only then can I relax.

True story: instead of going to my senior prom (with my serious boyfriend at the time) I chose to get an ipod instead. We’d already been to one formal dance, and an ipod would last me years!

How am I like women…

I’m a pretty big flirt, and I’m good at it. Don’t think low cut shirts, think a light touch to the lower back while I’m passing by, locking eyes with you while biting my lip. Mmmm.

Makeup is a must. 5 minutes daily, 10 minutes on weekends. A few years back there was a picture circulating of Eva Longoria (of Desperate Housewives fame) without any makeup on. She looked average. Women who don’t wear makeup are doing themselves an enormous disservice. Ditto with their hair. Ponytail is not a hairstyle, it’s giving up.

I’m in a sports jersey when the time is right, but I’ll be in loafers and a slim fit button down with bootcut jeans for Friday night dinner.

Give me a massage and you’ll never get rid of me.

Cleaning is good. Cleaning gives me a clear head.

Straight male.

Typical traits: Taste for red meats, booze, a very occasional cigar (sucking a Don Diego Corona as I type this). Like cars, planes, military history. Collect things. Always checking out women. Occasional helpless fascination with violent entertainment. Capable of sophomoric humor and ugly displays of anger.

Atypical traits: Resolutely noncompetitive. Issues with ambition. Poor spatial relations. Little upper body strength. High verbal, low math. Most sports bore me. Seriously into clothes (mostly vintage or vintage-style) and music (ditto). Subject to paralyzing self-doubt, altho I’m good in a full-on crisis.

lindsaybluth, I adore tomboys. Sounds like you might be just my type.

I forgot one. You know how guys are stereotyped as not being able to see messes around the house until they get really bad? I have that mess-blindness too.

Straight female here. I swear like a longshoreman. I even went through a “spitting” period when I was about 12. I’ve always been considered one of the guys, even though I’m mostly a girlie-girl.

I’m a straight She-Doper who is quite good at programming VCRs, setting up DVD players, fixing computer issues, and assembling computer work stations, printer carts, task chairs, patio furniture, and microwave carts.

Oh, yeah! I forgot about the spitting stage. I wish I could say I went through it as young as 12…unfortunately, I only just stopped around 28 when I was training for my first marathon and horrified my then-boyfriend/now-husband by hocking a big one in front of him during a run.

And I generally hate shopping, too, unless it’s for running gear or I’m guerilla shopping. I like to search, find, buy, not just window shop endlessly. I loathe trying things on. It makes me feel bad about myself. I’m with the poster who said upthread that it would be wonderful if clothing and shoes could just magically appear. I like new stuff, just don’t like the process of finding it.

Straight male.
Opposite gender stereotype:

PMT deserves sympathy and chocolate.

I play, and teach, what is apparently the most girly instrument bar the flute. (My pupils have consistently been 85% girls.)

Chocolate is the solution, or part of the solution, to all problems.

I rarely orgasm through penetrative sex alone.

Gossip!! Fill me in on the latest!!! I won’t tell a soul, promise…
Correct gender stereotype:

Pointless arguments are fun. Trivia is interesting. I delight in the former about the latter. That defines the membership of this board, maybe :wink:

I have no interest in clothes, they’re just something that keeps me warm and/or covered up.

I like beer, curry, and farting, in no particular order.

Vacuum cleaners have no obvious purpose, other than cleaning the interior of a car.

Straight female

How to be un-feminine

I hate shopping. Even going through an entire large grocery store makes me cranky.
I don’t even own any makeup, much less wear it. Ditto curling irons.
I love and do well at math and hard sciences (engineering degree)
Insects and spiders don’t bother me. I’ve been known to play with box elder bugs.
I hate pink. The only pink things in our house are the white rags my SO washed with the red rags.
Nails- as soon as they get past the end of my fingers, they get cut back as short as I can without causing pain.
Talking on the phone, just to talk, drives me nuts. Call me, tell me the facts or ask the question, and it’s done.

On the other hand, a good glass of wine, some chocolates and a bubble bath, and the world suddenly gets a whole lot better.

Straight female:

I love NFL football and will watch reruns of games during the offseason. I check the Cowboys website daily. I’ve been known to turn the air quite blue when things aren’t going well for my team–I probably have said worse things about a bad play than the coaches do. And don’t even get me STARTED on piss-poor calls like the Denver Debacle.

However, as much as I actually watch because I truly love the game, I am NOT immune to checking out a player’s butt in those tight pants! :slight_smile:

A friend of mine was a season ticket holder from before she knew what that meant, but has told me how she did start to realise that there was an extra bonus to these Saturdays