In which Idle Thoughts watches popular movies most have seen already but that he hasn't.

Requiem is one of my favorite movies. I love movies that give me heavy feels.

I watched it last year for the third time, and I kind of just wanted to lie down face-first on the floor afterwards.

Do not watch before bed.

Especially, once you’ve seen Jar-Jar Binks, the Ewoks look badass in comparison. :smiley:

This. Watch it in the daytime and then go out for puppies and ice cream to cheer yourself up.

Oh come one. Jar-Jar was a pretty kick ass character.

When he was on the battlefield and he had that Roger Roger stuck to his leg and he’s flopping it around shooting the other Roger Rogers that was some military genius.

I didn’t mean to seem like I was ignoring this thread, I just had wanted to get a few more movies under my belt before giving my opinion on them. So far I’ve only seen Requiem For a Dream, which I LOVED. It was fantastic and one of the best movies I’ve seen. So intense and suspenseful in some parts. A very realistic and graphic showing of drug addiction. I was glued to the screen the whole time. I also loves the music/score of it…it fit so well with the tone of the movie.
I plan to watch the movies listed in the OP staggered, as in, I will watch one of them and then two or three regular (current) movies and then another of the older ones and then two or three current ones, etc.
Next one I will watch (of the ones on the list in the OP) is Pulp Fiction, I think. Either tonight or tomorrow.

Ass to ass!!!

Agreed. Vincent and Jules’ conversation about foot rubs is brilliant. And hilarious.

Yes. Now, get off my goddamn lawn!

I love Mulholland Dr. I’ve watched it many times and own the DVD.

I think it’s very different. I’ve noticed Inglorious Basterds seems to be a lot of people’s least-favorite Tarantino film. I know one guy who absolutely despised it but loved Django.

Mullholland Drive is great. Multiple viewings are required to appreciate it fully.

Pass. Once was enough for me.

Inglorious Basterds was lousy. Not worth the time. And unlike most folks around here, I thought Donnie Darko was crap as well. So be it - if everybody liked the same movies you’d never get a seat in the multiplex.

I am not a Tarantino fan. I thought Pulp Fiction was very good and I liked (not loved) Django Unchained. I turned off Inglourious Basterds after the first couple of “chapters” because it just seemed so intensely stoopid.

Mulholland Dr. is one of my very favorite movies of all time, but I’ve got to admit that on first viewing I spent the last half hour going “Wait, wait, whaaaat???

The first time I heard oF MD was Ebert’s review. Between that and having seen Eraserhead, I kind of knew what to expect. I saw it, and liked it but didn’t have a clue how to decipher it. I got online and found an excellent analysis and then watched it again. That time I realized what a masterpiece it is.

Damn but I miss Ebert. :frowning:

You and me both.

If you’ve not seen them, maybe add to the list Reservoir Dogs, Léon: The Professional, Goodfellas, Shallow Grave, American Psycho, Fight Club, The Matrix, Stonehearst Asylum, and Natural Born Killers.

I envy you, getting to watch Pulp Fiction for the first time. After you watch it, have a think about what the real order of vignettes would have been over the course of events shown in the movie… :slight_smile:


Aye, a second watch of Pulp Fiction is possibly even more rewarding than the first.

Back when it was released, a bunch of us saw it at an early showing. On retiring to the pub, the discussion was totally dominated by arguing about the order of the events in the movie. We all trooped back to the cinema to watch the late night showing :slight_smile:

I hope you enjoy Trainspotting. It’s an interesting look at heroin addiction. Ewan McGregor is a very believable addict in it.

Begbie is a great character. An absolute terrible human, but great character. I think a lot of people will recognize at least part of someone they know in Begbie. (I also might just know the wrong kind of people).

Any updates, Idle Thoughts? I’m really looking forward to reading what you thought of a lot of these.

Damn it! I want an update!