In which month were you born?

I was born on August 6th, my grandfather on August 5th, my youngest son on August 8th, my mom on August 9th and my cousin on August 10th.

The most important historical event associated with my birthday was it being an anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Yay me.

That’s what I’ve always thought. My birthday is a few days from November 6th. I’ve told friends that I’m a “love child”. :eek: Yeah, weird looks follow. :stuck_out_tongue:

My birthday: Late September. A belated New Years gift.

My sister, 9 months after my parents wedding anniversary.

September- I share a birthday with Bruce Springsteen.

From the (partial) poll results, I’m guessing most people marry in June and December.

December 9th; my father and brother were both born on December 5th. With our birthdays being all so close together and in the same month as Christmas they never were that big an individual deal in the family; my mother got more of a celebration for hers in February.

So does my sister.

Indeed, I and my three siblings are all latter-half babies.

I’m next in the sequence. I also have two brothers born in December. Grandma always said, “beware the Ides of March”.

My son was born on Oct 10 (10-4 over and out!) He was conceived in the early hours of Jan 1.

My brother was born on New Years Day. Mom went into labor on NYE, and Dad kept trying to get her to push him out before the ball dropped (no pun intended), just for the tax break. The doctor had him removed from the delivery room. My brother was born around 3am.

And I’m a February baby.


I honestly don’t know why I’m pleased that my birth month (November) is ranking top, as of the time of posting. But I am.

Huzzah! for November!

Holy moly, how old were your parents when you were born??