So recently I saw a story about two adults who had consensual sex, but they were mother and son. Apparently there are laws against incest, remarkably in majority of the world. Maybe I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am, but I think it’s abhorred that Government would suggest you cannot have consensual sex with a family member. If they are an adult, if it’s consensual, then it should be legal. If we’re going to argue it’s unethical, then that’s a super slippery slope. So I conclude it’s under the basis of inbreeding causing birth defects. Which I don’t have any real evidence of, but I assume it isn’t too bad considering the monarchies in Europe.
I can’t be the only person who feels this way. Yes, I condone incest. If you believe that is wrong, then what about condoning homosexuality? What about homosexual incest, that way the ONLY barrier you have is the ethical reasoning behind it. What really triggers me here is how people complain about big government, yet think fundamental things like incest should be regulated by the government. Sure pedophilia is wrong, rape is wrong, but those aren’t just ethical reasons. They literally damage people. Incest harms no one. Arguably at most it harms a child if one if born.
This has to change, what kind of sicko thinks he has the right to say who you can and cannot have sex with? So long as they’re consenting, and of age, there is nothing wrong with it. Even if they’re mentally retarded, in the eyes of the law they can be tossed around like a ranch dressing salad. Absolute and utter hypocrisy, I am beyond livid right now.
(This is what I was referring to: Mother And Adult Son Face Felony Incest Charges | HuffPost Latest News )