Who the fuck is running this piece of shit corporation?!? I’ve been a steady, loyal customer for almost 10 years now you dicks. For over a year I’ve been paying the bill online with no problems. Until now.
Last months bill arrived with a disconnect notice. So I called the geniuses and found out someone never posted the payment, though the money was sitting there the whole time. Queen dipshit says she’ll make the correction and everything will be just fine. Whew! That was a close one!
August 25 I again use the online banking to pay. (Keep in mind, this hasn’t been a problem in the previous year.)
August 31 the tv went blank and the cable modem is flashing reset. Goddamnit, the cable was out again! So I called them to find out how long it would be down. After sitting on hold for 40 minutes I talk to a guy who informs me we’ve been disconnected for failure to pay. Can anyone see where this is headed?
Yup, not only did August never post, the bitch from the last month never noted the fucking payment. So this asshole is staring at a screen that SHOWS the payments were made, but there was simply nothing he could do.
So he connects me to the tech people to get it turned back on. I, of course, immediately ask for a supervisor. This fucking douch-bag tells me the earliest they can do it is Sept. 8th. I damn near blew up. I asked why I’d have to wait 8 days for them to correct thier fuck-up. This cunt tells me that’s the earliest they can get someone here.
Now, I may not be the smartest guy around, but why the fuck would it take 8 goddamn days to get someone to a house in a city of only 49,000?! And I know full fucking well there are people around town every day. One of these cocksuckers lives 2 streets from me. So to help ease any bad feelings, she cheerfuly informs me that we won’t be charged for the 8 days. BUT THAT WE’LL HAVE TO PAY THE $25 RECONNECT CHARGE!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
On top of all this, I’m stuck with a dial-up connection till Wednesday. Trust me, that’s not good when you’re trying to do a live fantasy football draft. And for the obligatory kick in the teeth, I’m stuck for RBs with Moe Williams and Emmit Smith.
Emmit fucking Smith. You know, the guy 2 days older than dirt? Fuck!
Incontinent, you goat feltching, steaming piles of shit, I say this with all sincerity.
(Edited to conform with no wishing of death)
and when your smoldering ashes lay in a crumpled heap I’m going to grab a bottle of whisky and a bag of marshmallows and I’m gonna drive to Denver and party my ass off.
duffer, booze and roasted marshmallows. It’ll be a beautiful sight fellow Dopers. All are invited.
slight aside anyone know an effective witch doctor? I saw a curse once in a cartoon and wonder what it would do to a human.