Incontinent Communications (cable company)

Who the fuck is running this piece of shit corporation?!? I’ve been a steady, loyal customer for almost 10 years now you dicks. For over a year I’ve been paying the bill online with no problems. Until now.

Last months bill arrived with a disconnect notice. :confused: So I called the geniuses and found out someone never posted the payment, though the money was sitting there the whole time. Queen dipshit says she’ll make the correction and everything will be just fine. Whew! That was a close one!

August 25 I again use the online banking to pay. (Keep in mind, this hasn’t been a problem in the previous year.)

August 31 the tv went blank and the cable modem is flashing reset. Goddamnit, the cable was out again! So I called them to find out how long it would be down. After sitting on hold for 40 minutes I talk to a guy who informs me we’ve been disconnected for failure to pay. Can anyone see where this is headed?

Yup, not only did August never post, the bitch from the last month never noted the fucking payment. So this asshole is staring at a screen that SHOWS the payments were made, but there was simply nothing he could do.

So he connects me to the tech people to get it turned back on. I, of course, immediately ask for a supervisor. This fucking douch-bag tells me the earliest they can do it is Sept. 8th. I damn near blew up. I asked why I’d have to wait 8 days for them to correct thier fuck-up. This cunt tells me that’s the earliest they can get someone here.

Now, I may not be the smartest guy around, but why the fuck would it take 8 goddamn days to get someone to a house in a city of only 49,000?! And I know full fucking well there are people around town every day. One of these cocksuckers lives 2 streets from me. So to help ease any bad feelings, she cheerfuly informs me that we won’t be charged for the 8 days. BUT THAT WE’LL HAVE TO PAY THE $25 RECONNECT CHARGE!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

On top of all this, I’m stuck with a dial-up connection till Wednesday. Trust me, that’s not good when you’re trying to do a live fantasy football draft. And for the obligatory kick in the teeth, I’m stuck for RBs with Moe Williams and Emmit Smith.

Emmit fucking Smith. You know, the guy 2 days older than dirt? Fuck!

Incontinent, you goat feltching, steaming piles of shit, I say this with all sincerity.

(Edited to conform with no wishing of death)

and when your smoldering ashes lay in a crumpled heap I’m going to grab a bottle of whisky and a bag of marshmallows and I’m gonna drive to Denver and party my ass off.

duffer, booze and roasted marshmallows. It’ll be a beautiful sight fellow Dopers. All are invited.
slight aside anyone know an effective witch doctor? I saw a curse once in a cartoon and wonder what it would do to a human. :wink:

and to think I was wondering why dishes are sprouting like mushrooms after the rain here. (checks angles again, dang the edge of the building is still in the way…)

Switch to Wow! I ditched Comcast a few years ago and never looked back.

Dish Network.

Or DirecTV.

Take your pick.

Good luck on the $25 reconnect fee. You shouldn’t pay that either.

Fantasy football is for children.

I promised.

Heh. I’ve noticed that the audio has been out on the local insert ads and the community access channel for some time now. Apparently, no one’s bothered to call and complain. :smiley:

BTW, a buddy of mine used to work for Comcast, and according to him, they should have someone out there the next day to correct the problem and you should get credit for the time you’re without service. That’s company policy, so if they’re not following it, you’ve got a right to bitch.

Hee hee hee…

incontinent: : not continent: as a (1) : lacking self-restraint (2) : not being under control b : unable to retain a bodily discharge (as urine) voluntarily

They might have made a similar mistake with a sizable number of other customers.

They might well not care, betting you won’t switch to a different company “just” because of their incompetence.

They might not know their ass from a hole in the wall when it comes to customer service.

Don’t mean to detract from your rant, understand. There may well be more incontinence and incompetence here than meets the eye.

If it’s a municipal franchise, where the town council licenses the cable company to provide cable service in that area, he may not have any choice in whom he gets cable from. But if that’s the case, then there’s an avenue to get better service, etc. – go to City Hall (or equivalent) and complain. Odds are they have an agreement with the City/Town/whatever that they have to follow – provided that they’re held to it.

And a $25 reconnect fee is ludicrous when it’s their mistake. Rather than fight it, tell them that you’ll pay it under protest in order to get your cable service back – and that you’ll promptly lay claim for it, plus damages and expenses, through a lawyer. Betcha you can’t finish the second half of that sentence before they offer to waive it, for this time only.

Then make very sure that they are prepared to assure you that electronic transfer credits (online banking) will promptly be credited to your bill from here on in until the Sun turns into a red giant or giant cockroaches from Gamma Leporis invade.

I had to read this post now as I was about to go to sleep…

's okay, though. I have a page and a half of IO chem questions to answer. As long as I don’t start drawing cockroack-shaped P orbitals I’ll be okay.

Just out of curiosity, how the heck did everyone get Comcast out of the OP? From the title, I thought the company involved was named somethingl ike Continental Communications.

As for me, I’ve had four or five apparently random cable modem resets in the past month. Annoying, but so far, nothing more than that. As for dish, what do you do for your broadband if you get that? DSL? I hear that’s even worse, reliability-wise, than cable…

Quick update to clarify some stuff.

  1. The company is Midcontinent Communications, based out of Denver. I think the main office we deal with is in South Dakota though.

  2. They are the only cable company here. Remember, this is a village of 49k souls. That should also explain why bothering with the city council is out. Anyone who’s lived in a small town that also happens to be a major state market can understand.

  3. I called right after talking to these donkey-punchers about legal satellite service. There are 2 problems with that.

a. For whatever reason this shithole part of town doesn’t have DSL phone lines even though the “rich” high school is is less than 200 feet away. The one with broadband and so many extra comuters they literally throw them in the dumpster.

b. DirectTV is the only provider for my address :confused: and they use DirectWay (or some such shit) at a cost of $60 a month. PLUS $600 in upfron cash for equipment and installation.

Oh, and I’m still waiting for a referral to a good shaman to teach these motherfuckers a thing or two.

Jimmy Chitwood, I was wondering how long till you strolled in. :wink:

Well I gotta know, like, is that a typo:

Incontinent ?

Truly? Someone thought this a good name for a business?

Guess they’ve never been in close quarters with actual incontinence.

It’s really supposed to be Intercontinent right?

Our cable company used to be Cable Oakland, then it was purchased by I think AT&T. As soon as it changed those ratfucks decided to go make sure all it’s accounts were valid. How did they do this you might ask? Really simple, they just turned us off. Just like that, they came out to the building and turned it off. Happened all over Oakland. They left a little card hanging for our doorknob saying “Sorry we couldn’t confirm your account…” Of course they might have been able to confirm it if they’d actually say knocked on the fucking door. After a huge uproar they stopped that, and sold out to Comcast. My complaints with them are few, at the moment.

I believe the OPer may have been having a little fun with the cable company by making fun of it’s name.