Indian Jones is a rapist?

I hate to destroy your illusion of security, but if you’re imagining that having their attention drawn to fictional statutory rape back in the 1970’s will make people more likely to overlook any actual statutory rape you might be engaged in today, I don’t think that’s the way it works.

Accepting the abovementioned publication about their “canon” ages, making her 16 at the time of the affair, means he would NOT be one under the laws of a majority of the US states and most of the Western world even today (and most probably not in the 1930s either).

And you do realize time available to any person is a finite quantity right?

I had to look up SJW. Learn something new every day.

It’s a throwaway line in a 35 year old film. The character in the film is in no way shown to be either a rapist or a pedophile. And were social mores different 35 years ago? News flash, yes they were. And last time I checked, this was a work of fiction.

So if the point wasn’t to get all “SJW” on this issue, what was it?

Atilla the Hun was actually quite progressive

About the same time Raiders was released the title character in Arthur was driving his Rolls convertible through a residential neighborhood while too drunk to stand up straight, and he was the good guy in a rom-com.

I didn’t go seek out old Lucas quotes to start a thread about how pervy he was. I just commented that he sounded pervy in the quote someone else dug up. I am also not running around making Facebook and tumblr and whatever memes about how horrible white men are because George Lucas once said something pervy.
However, given that he already raped my childhood with the prequels, I have no trouble believing he is okay with statutory rape.


:dubious: You seem…weirdly intent on reassuring yourself that more attention paid to old fictional statutory rape will mean less attention paid to current actual statutory rape.

Like I said, I don’t think that’s how it works. Raising the general consciousness about statutory rape, including the exploration of its toleration or relative acceptance in old entertainment media, tends to make people quicker to perceive such situations when they encounter them in daily life.

Lookit those goalposts move!

The issue here is about pointing out specific instances of things we now consider pervy in old entertainment media where they weren’t considered anywhere near as pervy. That’s all the OP of this thread was doing, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

You’re resorting to a strawman argument in which hypothetical unidentified “SJWs” are allegedly trying to demonize “white men” in general by association with Lucas’s remarks. Suffice it to say that that’s not what anybody here is talking about, so maybe keep your whining about “SJWs” for situations in which actual “SJWs” are actually doing such things?

Remember too that we saw Indy’s female students flirt with him intensely. I’ll bet he has some history of regularly chasing young women.

PSXer likes to stir the pot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plenty of people refer to actual adults as ‘child’ in a figurative context. Republican critics of Bill Clinton referred to the early-20s Monica Lewinsky as a ‘child’ in the context of why Mr. Clinton was wrong to have a relationship with her.

Sounds to me it isn’t Indy doing the chasing…if anything IIRC Indy as the older professor is kinda made uncomfortable with all that young coed attention…

Besides, we all know that secretly that Indy is all about that Wookie nookie anyways.

You know, we had this discussion several years ago on the Dope already, and no one felt the need to go throwing tumblr insults of SJW (or the 2010 version, feminazi) around. We just discussed pop culture. As you do on the internet.

I think it’s a reflection of the times in which he fictionally lived. It is interesting. It’s a 1980s comment on 1930’s attitudes regarding women and consent.

Yep, no different than watching all the cigarette smoking going on in Casablanca, say, or the drinking in The Thin Man (I really can’t imagine folks had the capacity that those two seem to have in that film!!). I just watch it and kinda think “man, different times.”

And yeah, that 80’s view of 30’s matters. As has already been pointed out, a whole bunch of 80’s hit movies show behaviors that these days would cross many lines. Man, different times. Always interesting discussions with my teenagers when we see those movies…

They’d be more stable if you’d stop moving them.

“I’m rubber, you’re glue” is not actually a refutation of a valid criticism of your attempt at an argument.

Such examples of these right of center criticisms/trolling include Bill Maher and Triumph the insult comic.

If a 15 year old boy creates a 26 year old woman and sleeps with her. (Almost the plot of Weird Science…I mean, they COULD have had their way with her) has he raped himself?


…As Banquet Bear said SJWs do not exist. MLK Jr. did not exist.