Indigenous Australians in America

Totally random crazy question here.

How many people live in the USA who identify themselves as Indiginous Australians?


They don’t appear on the U.S. Census data in any column I can find. It’s possible they’re lumped in with “black.”

The odd thing about that is (if true), they are the group most separated from African blacks so that would be completely inaccurate.

I assume they would check the box marked “other- please list.”

Yeah, I’m not saying “black” is genetically the most correct section under which to list them, just where I figured they’d end up. I suppose the closest existing major category would be “Pacific Islander-Polynesian” but even that’s a pretty far leap.

Indigenous Australians are a small percentage of the small population of this country. That’s, what? About 426,000 people? The number of Indigenous Australians living in the US would have to be minuscule if there are only 400k in Oz.

The Census Bureau has an ancestry code (802) for “Australian Aborigines.” In tabulations I’ve found, the population figures are included sometimes under “Australian” (codes 800-802) and sometimes under “Other Pacific Islander.”

I haven’t found any population figures associated with code 802 alone. Then again, I’ve never had much luck navigating the census website, Maybe somebody else can find it.

The census website is a fucking dog’s breakfast. Whoever designed it needs to be fired, unless the census folks actually intend for information to be difficult to find.