Individual shelf-stable milk/cream portions - where can a non-restaurant buy them?

I like to make tea at work with my own tea bags. Sometimes I like my tea with milk. I am tired of work fridge politics, i.e. things going missing, especially things like milk that some people see as “collective,” even if they are not purchased by the office.

So I’d like to buy some individual milk or half-and-half portions (ideally 2%, but I’ll take what I can get at this point) that I can keep in my office, so they don’t disappear. My food snob side and my hippie-child side will not allow me to consume nasty things like non-dairy creamer, which contains ingredients I can’t pronounce, and my general rule is that if I can’t pronounce an ingredient, I try to avoid ingesting it.

Several Google searches have revealed only restaurant- or catering-supply places, or handy sites that are unfortunately located in other countries, for the purchase of such an item in an individual serving size.

Am I missing something? Any ideas? Or do I have to sucker someone in the U.K. into shipping me this stuff, which seems like rather lot of trouble to go to?

Sams Club has the same things for the little half and half containers

Sams is probably the way to go. The other option is to go to a mom and pop type store that sells hot coffee and ask them if you can buy a case next time they put an order in with whomever they get them from. Now that I think about it, any coffee shop would probably be willing to do it for you as well.

I’ve seen them for sale in supermarkets here.

Try “Snappers” brand milk. It comes with a free mousetrap in every carton!

And, yes, CostCo sells the individual servings… if you don’t like adventure in your life…

My CostCo only sells the fake “French (sic) Vanilla (sic)” individual portions.

Apparently, online office supply sites have a “cleaning & breakroom” category that includes creamers. Mostly non-dairy, it looks like but this list of creamers/sweeteners from includes a Land O Lakes liquid creamer that says it’s Grade A real dairy half and half, and a Nestle Carnation liquid creamer that doesn’t specify. You can probably check websites for Office Max, Office Depot, or similar places, too.

It sounds like this is something you might be interested in.

My company uses these (I presume they are supplied by the company that manages our coffee supply).

Looks like Kat beat me to it! Staples has the better price too.

I think the Mini Moo things will work pretty well. I find them to be fine in my coffee. I share your revulsion regarding powdered “creamer”.

Is a Costco membership worth it for a single person, particularly one who doesn’t buy a lot of packaged foods of any sort and isn’t particularly acquisitive when it comes to electronics, etc.? I suppose I should go one of these days and see exactly what they have - Sam’s Club is part of Wal-Mart, no? and I’ve heard enough repulsive things about their labor practices, etc. that I’d rather give my money to Costco. (Plus I’ve heard better things about Costco.)

(I do like adventure in my life, but well, let’s just say I prefer my adventure in other arenas.)

Im a big Costco fan, but you probably need to consider your individual situation. If you entertain, have storage space and cook frequently, you will probably get your moneys worth. On the other hand, if youre a vegetarian nondrinking hermit who lives in a studio apartment, maybe Costco isnt for you.

I think I would stay a Costco member for the meats and great prices on bulk foods.

Let me know of you want to try it out sometime.

I’d also like to point out that you don’t need a Costco membership to buy alcohol there… You should (theoretically) be able to walk in and tell them you’re just buying alcohol and they should step aside. It’s some legal requirement…

Yes, but she’ll need a card to check out, and they won’t sell her the creamer without a card.

I used to be a Sam’s gal, but I’m Costco’s bitch now, baby. I still can’t afford their meat prices, but I love their produce, refrigerated and frozen sections. Plus they often have great deals on clothes and toys, and they tend to have the cooler toys there. (“Cooler” meaning I like them better, not the latest Bratz fad.) They have much more in-store than on their website.

And you must try their guacamole. It freezes well, so don’t be intimidated by three pounds of guacamole - it comes in multiple bags. It’s the only premade guac I’ll eat, and I think it’s organic, as well.

I cook frequently, entertain occasionally, have a pantry with far too much stuff in it, bring a bottle of wine to friend’s houses now and again, and live in a 1-bedroom apartment. Thanks for the offer! I’ve only been in there once, and it was a quick dash in and out, so I really didn’t get to explore. And I do love hunting around for kitchen stuff, though my usual expeditions are to Devon Avenue and such. I should really go on an expedition to Costco one of these days.

Not really, if there are other megastores in your area. CostCo started to lose its charm for me when a giant Loblaws opened closer, and later when a near-giant Provigo opened even closer still.

Oh, hey, you live by me! Email me if you want to go check out Costco one of these days - I can bring you in as a guest and you can decide for yourself (or just buy what you need on my card.)

The closest Costco is about 20 minutes away down Touhy in Niles.

Thanks - I may take up either you or Random on that one of these days. The one closest to me is on Clybourn, but I’m in your neck of the woods fairly often (you live a bit further north - Rogers Park-ish, IIRC?).

Smart & Final carries the same stuff (restaurant supplies), usually in smaller amounts. Is there a S&F near you?

Looks like they are only in the West and Mexico.

If the Staples/OfficeMax thing doesn’t work out, you could try GFS .