Infamous stinker Skidoo (1968) on TCM in six hours

Heads up for all bad movie fans. I’ve never seen it but have heard…things. Ebert gave it two stars though. Has anyone seen it? If so, is worth staying up for?

I saw it years ago, at the Northwestern University B Movie Fest. Is it worth staying up for? Well, just how much do you love insanely campy movies? And are you interested in seeing Groucho Marx in saffron Buddhist monk’s robes?

I have Greaser’s Palace on DVD.

Well, Carol Channing doing a striptease, and acid freakout by Jackie Gleaseon, Burgess Meredith and Groucho Marx acting kooky, sounds like fun.

Maybe I should withhold because I only stuck it out through the first hour, but here’s my $.02: there’s good freaky and bad freaky (with the benchmark of “good freaky” of this period probably being The Magic Christian). Skidoo is an incoherent, poorly paced, unfunny mess. Preminger should’ve stuck to attending Black Panther legal-defense-fundraising parties. If Ebert gave it two stars, that was probably in tribute to the hippy body-painting of a certain starlet – namely, the bold spirals highlighting the twin peaks of her bosom.