Info on Saint Rachel

My daughter wants to know about Saint Rachel, since that is her name, and I can’t really find where one exists, although she swears that she was playing around online at school and found lots of information. Anyone have some info on Saint Rachel. I went to google, and that did not really help.

I don’t believe there is a “Saint Rachel”. The only entry for “Rachel” at Patron Saints Index is for the Jewish matriarch, wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph (of the many-colored coat).

I think most of the Old Testament heroes and heroines (Rachel, Esther, Isaac, Job, etc) are considered “saints”, but aren’t called “Saint”.

I agree with Guinastasia. I’ve never heard Rachel (Jacob’s wife) referred to as Saint Rachel.

The Orthodox have traditionally recognized many Old Testament figures as saints, including Rachel the mother of Jacob. Here is an icon of St. Rachel.

That’t what I get for not previewing. I meant “Rachel mother of Joseph”. That is all.

I’d go along with the previous opinions. The only Rachel I’ve encountered was Jacob’s (originally) barren wife.

Two sites that use the “saint” honorific with Rachel’s name are (I do not know whether she appears in Eastern Rite churches as “Hagia Rachel”–that can be translated as St. Rachel)
This ad for jewelry.

The on-line Catholic Encyclopedia has this article on Rachel and no references to any other Rachel’s that I could see.

(If you’re surfing the wen with your daughter, be aware that several sites that are found ay a “St Rachel” search argument are rather nasty diatribes against Rachel Corrie, the woman who was killed by a bulldozer while protesting the destruction of Palestinian houses a while back.

There seem to be two people with the moniker “Saint Rachel” – (1) the junior wife of Jacob, as noted by JohnM, venerated as a saint by the Orthodox, and patron of women desiring to become pregnant; (2) Rachel Corrie, who was evidently an antiwar activist, and is deemed a saint by some liberal Christians.

There is a wealth of references to both available by Googling “Saint Rachel” but nothing informative enough to warrant creating a link here. Interestingly, there was apparently a recent novel with that title, apparently referencing Ms. Corrie, though the novel was not about her life.

Rachel Corrie? Wasn’t she the “human shield” who got run over by an Israeli army bulldozer?

in the orthodox church people who are celebrated b.c. are usually called righteous rather than saints, ie the righteous joachim and anna. if one is a prophet ie habbakuk, elijah, etc, they are the righteous prophet (name here).

the use of saint for b.c. is starting to creep in. there is a murmur of trying to lock down best english use. some orthodox feel that “saint” is too “western” and the translation should be “holy” instead. hagia rachel is literally holy rachel.

people who are a.d. in english get saint, or saint with discription, wonderworker, martyr, etc.

i always wondered if the righteous title carried over from jewish tradition.

almost forgot… rachel is mentioned in old and new testament during the slaughter of the innocents. she is mention in carols that refer to the killings.

if you search using the phrase: rachel weeping for her children, you will get quite a few sites.

Saint Rachel is the patron saint of affording huge Manhattan apartments with a job as a coffee waitress and having copious amounts of free time besides.

[Van Morrison]
“They say that Rachel Corrie’s
buried under this here town.
That Israeli Army ‘dozer
spread her bod’ around.”
[/Van Morrison]
