Inglourious Basterds trailer

Ah forgive me - as it’s late, I didn’t mean to imply that Sandler was supposed to have Pitt’s Role, but I can see now how it looks that way. It’s been a long night for me. But yes, you are correct.

Sounds repulsive.

They should be all hulks? Little guys with guns are as deadly as big guys with guys.

guys with guys?

I was referencing the movie Yojimbo. Kurosawa based it on a Dashiell Hammett story; later it was remade as a great Clint Eastwood western, A Fistful of Dollars; remade a few times in low-budget form (e.g., The Sword and the Sorceress, starring, more or less, David Carradine); more recently remade as Last Man Standing with Bruce Willis, and coming back full-circle to be a lot closer to the original Hammett story.

So, remakes aren’t all bad. (And it sounds like Inglourious Basterds isn’t a close remake of Inglorious Bastards after all.)

In Jackie Brown, Tarantino showed that he could do a grown-up movie, with real dialogue. I’d like to see him do that again.

I don’t know, it seems like that type of thing was done on purpose. Aren’t the guys supposed to be dressed as civilians when they’re out and about? If they all looked like hulking, soldier types, that’s the type of thing that would draw attention from an occupying army. Who’s gonna be scared of Samm Levine? No one, until they find out that he’s trained to kill.

All conjecture on my part, of course.

From what I’ve read, the casting of small guys is intentional. QT didn’t want hulks, he wanted the heroes to be nerdy Jewish kids who transform into killing machines. They’re supposed to look wimpy. That’s the point. This is partially a kind of geeky Jew fantasy fulfilment.

It isn’t *all *fantasy fulfillment. There’s this guy I used to play D&D with in high school… let’s just say he was nerdier than anyone in the movie; a bit too much of a nerd for the rest of us, which is saying something. Little guy, yarmulke, dopey grin. Anyway, we lost touch after graduation, and a couple of years later I found out that he had joined the Mista’arvim, a special-ops counter-terror unit that would operate undercover in the Territories. I bumped into him some time after that and he was still a nerd - but now he was a nerd who knew Krav Maga.

Yeah. If that guy had a buttload of money and hung out with really hot chicks all the time and got to do pretty much whatever he wanted to do. Aside from that he’s just like that pump jockey.

I’ve already read the great script, so how could I Nazi this movie!!!:smiley:

Truly a bizarre paragraph. You realize hand-to-hand combat has been a last resort in war for hundreds of years, don’t you? If anything, smaller guys are smaller targets, need less food, and generally have better endurance.

Did you watch the trailer? QT isn’t portraying these guys as tactically savvy soldiers. They aren’t executing flawless maneuvers and getting into pitched range battles with the enemy. They are getting into bar fights. Firing M60s from the hip while running indoors. Bashing Nazi heads into tables and assaulting people with baseball bats. If you think any of this film is going to resemble an Audie Murphy movie and have anything resembling realistic war-making then you have never seen a Tarantino film. You know he’s going to have a ton of outlandish, silly, bloody hand-to-hand combat and quasi-martial arts stuff.

So did you hate Kill Bill because you could totally kick Uma Thurman’s ass?

The reviews are coming in…

I bet he couldn’t kick Uma Thurman’s ass.

I think it looks awesome and it’s obvious the spelling is intentional to convey that they are kind of illiterate rednecks.

I agree that Brad Pitt is wasted on this role and this role is wasted on him. I don’t think Chris Cooper would’ve been better though.

I’m so dragging my girlfriend to see this. If she doesn’t want to go, that’s fine by me.

What do you know? The film won Best Actor at Cannes.

A really interesting review of the film, very thoughtful written and profoundly negative, with only mild spoilers (nothing that isn’t given away by the trailer).

I think Brad Pitt is a pretty good actor. I could buy him as a tough guy in Fight Club just as well as I could buy him as an idiot in Burn After Reading.

The wikipedia page for the film has the sound track listed if you’re interested.