Insecurity about losing beatle

Boy, I’d joked about doin’ this, but now I’ve gone and done it.

After two and a half years of bein’ beatle on this board, and having established many a friendship under that name, I’ve got a full-blown case of the willie’s for having changed my screen name.

I never would have thought that this little identity would hold so much sway over me. I’m a bit creeped out.

Oh well, hold my hands, dears. I’ve done what I have done.
It is truly shaking me.

c’mon everybody, group hug!

Were you ever trying to count a jar of beans, and just as you were 90% through, some a-hole came along and asked you a question. Of course you lost count.

Welcome, Ringo. Goodbye Beatle.

Just when I thought I had a handle on who was who, …

You will always be beatle to me !

Dude, I almost know where you’re coming from. I had considered changing my nick’ on the mb, awhile back, and I am glad I didn’t. Quite a few Dopers advised me against doing so, after posting my thoughts about the name change.

FWIW: I liked the nick’ “beatle”… if I hadn’t read this post, I’d have never known Ringo = beatle.

Good luck Ringo/beatle…hmmm we could just merge the two and start calling you “ringobeatle”… nah how about “Beatingo” :stuck_out_tongue:

Well just whoosh me, I thought your name beatle referred to some affection for bugs. Now it seems with the new chosen name of Ringo it refers to some dabnabbit old codgers rock group. Please give me the peace of mind that it meant bugs.

You might want to put some ointment on that “willie” though cause it is definitely red. Is it contageous cause I don’t wanna catch it during this group hug thingy.

It’s a time of change. At least you’re still in the same subject area. Beatle, Ringo, we love you the same…

Even as Ringo, we can still say “Hey, Be-atle!”
Are you still married to Barbara Bach, I’ve kind of lost touch.

[sub]*I want to be
under the sea
in an Octopus’ garden in the shade…

Damnit…I hate it when established posters change their name.

Sorry beatle hun, I don’t like it, much like MrCynical changing his name, Michi changing hers, etc.

If you have it for a while, stick with it, use it as your persona. It is you, that’s who you are.

< sobbing >

You know what’s weird. I looked at the thread title and laughed at who it was from. Then my jaw dropped when I clicked on the thread. 47 HUNDRED posts and I’d never seen Ringo before?!? What the hell?

Then I read your OP, and the world made sense again.

Gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright, sunshiney day.

BEATLE!!! Wha… whaa… why!!!

Pete Best was better.

Ringo? But I just met you as beatle, like, hours ago!

Ringo, Dingo, Bingo, Ginkgo.

Actually, this new name is fun.

Can I just secretly still call you beatle?

If this has been covered elsewhere please forgive my inquiry but why change a perfectly good name like “beatle” that was attached to your entire board presence for “Ringo”?

Was beatle that bad? Is Ringo that good?

When I see a long term poster’s name I have expectations and assumptions for that post based on past threads. When a name is changed for “I want to try something new” reasons the poster, to me and this is just my opinion, loses some gravitas.

I can understand when some new posters (especially women) want to change when they discover the name “Hairy Hunchback” or “Ball Busting Babe” tends to color some peoples reactions to their posts but “beatle”. It was a great name.

Oh well to each his own. Good luck with Ringo!

Yes. Or at least I plan on it.

Hi, beatle! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mauv! That wasn’t secret at all!

Y’know, even though we’ve never met in RL, I’ve always pictured you more as a George man.


I guess I’ll just not-so-secretly call him beatle then :stuck_out_tongue:

But the sparks still burned, so I used my knife.
And late that night, I saved the life of Ringo.

Does nothing to advance the thread, but Lorne Greene’s #1 hit from 1964 or so was the first thing that came to mind.

Well, it appears my insecurity was not wholly without reason.

Yes I will definitely answer to beatle. I can’t help it - it’s ingrained. Ringo still drives like a borrowed car, but I’m learning to fiddle with the stereo. Time will tell.