Okay. This one’s getting on my nerves. Doesn’t anyone know what the word “stupid” means anymore?
Bush is not stupid. He slips up on grammar sometimes, he acted on bad information from the “intelligence” community, and I’m sure everyone here disagrees with at least one thing he’s done. But the man isn’t stupid. He was smart enough to get elected president, after all.
I don’t like Clinton. I think he did a lot of illegal and immoral things, but they were carefully and intelligently planned. He’s not stupid, and I won’t call him that.
In [thread=282317]this thread[/thread], Opus1 has the gall to say “most Bush supporters too stupid to breathe.” Sorry, but I know some very intelligent people who support Bush, and some very intelligent people who support Kerry, too.
Okay, so they’re not stupid. Are they ignorant? There are a lot of people that are woefully ignorant about politics. Could your average person on the street name all of the Supreme Court justices? How about the Secretary of State? How about the last year when Iraq was proven to have weapons of mass destruction? Yep. A lot of people don’t know those things. But that makes them ignorant about politics.
Lots of folks know diddle-squat about equine anatomy, or programming in C#, or the writings of Homer, or the music of J.S. Bach, or the history of the Crow Indian tribe. We’re all ignorant about something, but that doesn’t justify calling people stupid or ignorant just because you disagree with them.