Intellectually, What Does Islam Offer The West?

Nope. You’re still wrong. You’re wrong twice. Once about me, and the other time about Islam in general.

you can continue to deny reality until you’re decapitated on the streets of london. But in the end, you’ll see the truth.

Your assertion that I define any site that posts facts on Islam as anti-Islamic is a falsehood. I’d appreciate an apology from you for that, but I don’t expect you’ll offer one. Said assertion is based on just as much reality as your other assertions: zero.

Well that’s not overly dramatic, wildly exaggerated and baseless fearmongering at all. Are they also, perchance, interested in the purity of our precious bodily fluids ?

Ah. You’re one of those.

Only because it’s the truth. Apparently facts are “biased” when they don’t conform to your bigotry.

Oh look. Yet another thing you’re wrong about regarding Islam and Muslims.

“Wives, be subordinate to your husbands, as is proper in the Lord.” (Colossians 3:18)

The rest of your post is so non-nonsensical that it’s not worth responding to. Muslim women can’t work or go outside???

If you exclude all the ones who do, his statement is perfectly accurate. Of course, the 0.5% left are really housebound for medical reasons. Still, meaningless trivium aside, a valid point !

I thought you just said the past doesn’t matter.

Do you accept or deny the scientific consensus that people of Middle Eastern descent are less intelligent than people of European descent?

Muslim feminists are a contradiction in terms, because feminism is a subset of progressivism, and progressivism is a non-theistic Calvinist sect. But even more, if we look at actual facts, we find unsurprisingly that Western nations are the best places in the world for women, with muslim and African nations rounding out the bottom of the list.

@Monty: your refusal to respond to the survey conducted by the BBC proves my point. Or, if you do not consider the BBC an anti-Islamic source, how do you respond to the fact that 1/4 of British muslims sympathize with terrorists?

This is laughable. 27% is by definition an above average size minority and amounts to more than 600,000 people; that’s many times larger than the number of active British military personnel. If someone sympathizes with terrorists, they should be shot.

But is their being Scottish a contradiction?

And your last suggestion is pretty much advocating terrorism yourself.

Well then, get the fuck up against the wall, sir.

What, pray tell, is an “average size minority”?

I sympathize with their motives, and I’m not even Muslim. Again, thanks to people like you, Muslims in France are treated horribly. Just like with, for example, a black American in the 60s lashing out with terrorist violence, I can sympathize with the motive while condemning the means.

And so much for those Western values you claim to support, eh?

An average size minority is by definition 25%.

It’s not terrorism if it’s government enforced; get out of Christian lands or die. Muslims are interlopers with no right to be in Europe. Europeans have kicked out Muslims before, and they can easily do it again.

The English language disagrees. Pretty heavily.

It’s difficult to accept a consensus that only exists in *your *head.

(There’s also the stupid notion of “Christian lands”. You fuckers get the hell out of Scandinavian, Germanic, Celtic and Greco-Roman Pagan lands first !)


Right, it’d be ethnic cleansing. And discarding all Enlightenment values and our conception of human rights in the process. Don’t hold your breath.

I don’t see how it is. 100% of their heads agree. That’s above and beyond a clear majority. A consensus by any definition !

Hey teacher, you forgot one:

Islam offers the West the opportunity to watch liberals defend the most anti-liberal nations in the world in the name of…liberalism!!

So you can’t refute what I’ve said, so you hide behind the attitude that you can’t be bothered. Here’s just one link about the restrictions on women. Here’s one on honor killings. I don’t think I need to provide links to prove that Muslim women are forced to wear uncomfortable and restrictive burkas or abayas, or that they are forced to accept the cruel practice of polygamy.

Also, had you read my post you would have noticed that I am a woman. I realize from a lifetime of experience that it doesn’t even occur to men that these things are unjust and hurtful–they’re just blind to it. But I stand by what I said.

Oh, and I’m not a Christian either, but the New Testament, while it does say the wife should respect her husband as the head of the household, commands him to honor her as well, to the point of giving his life for her. (1 Peter 3:7, Eph. 5:25) I don’t remember seeing anything parallel to that in the Koran.