Interesting new phishing technique

Interesting… I guess the phishers are getting tired of pretending to be individual banks and are going for all of them simultaneously! (Not sure if Interac is south of the border; they process debit card transactions for all the banks up here). I actually thought about their message for maybe 2 seconds (as opposed to my usual 1/2 second for the usual phishing messages).

That’s pretty unusual, considering end-users generally have nothing to do with Interac directly. You are subject to agreements only through whatever bank you deal with, and any agreements are processed through your bank’s online banking system. At no time do you ever have to deal with Interac directly unless you have a problem with their system that isn’t related to your bank.

Interesting approach but pretty transparent.

Further to that, I decided to live dangerously and clicked on their link (I do that occasionally with phishing messages and then enter garbage information to see what happens - so I have weird tastes in adventure :slight_smile: ). It then asks you to choose between BMO, RBC, CIBC, TD Canada Trust, Scotiabank and National Bank (with the correct logos of course). From there it seems to display believable login pages (TD’s is certainly realistic; I bank with them); I didn’t go any further than that.

Sneaky buggers!

I always find it amusing (certainly ironic) that these phishers always promise you that they
are doing this in the interest of guarding you against consumer fraud.

I get phishing messages from Sears Card ( I happen to have one) and Chase Bank (my bank) that are styled exactly like authentic emails. The only really unnerving thing is that Sears Card doesn’t seem to have a spoof@ address to report these.

I get Paypal phishing messages all the time. They would be more believable if I didn’t get 8 of them at a time! Well, that and the fact that I get them at an address that isn’t linked to my Paypal account. :smiley:

I’ve gotten some PayPal phishing emails too. Which is funny because I’ve never had a Paypal account!

I get phishing emails in French. I have never banked in French.