Interesting new theory about gravity - Gravity Emerges from Quantum Information, Say Physicists"

Gravity Emerges from Quantum Information, Say Physicists

Never mind. In reading more it’s more an interesting idea than a theory.
A Scientist Takes On Gravity

What a let down.

A facinating let down, though.


“Verlinde’s approach is that gravity is essentially a phenomenon of information.”

I was hoping that were true, so that stupid people would just eventually all float away.

Ah, but that wouldn’t happen.

You see, the stupid people are dense and would just collapse into a giant ball of stupid. This, of course, would make it much easier to be sucked past the event horizon of the giant ball of stupid. Then you’d be screwed.


Wow. Dude. That’s really heavy.

Long ago, when a PC was a peach crisp, and Mac was a Scotsman, you could buy buttons and bumper stickers proclaiming, “There is no gravity. The world sucks.”