Interesting Sites for Bored People

I’m bored! And I’ve noticed that I end up reading the same handful of sites. I need to expand my internet horizons!

So what websites do you visit when you are bored? Quick fun sites are fine, but in-depth sites where I will learn something are even better. Any subject…just whatever sites you find fascinating.

Well, there’s this site called the Straight Dope Message Board… :wink:

Awesome! This will kill some time. Keep them coming!

You can learn at Academic Earth.

Academic Earth

I use to surf when I’m bored. I’ve found some very interesting things that way.

I check Woot every day. Maybe twice a year I’ll buy the product listed.

Dark Roasted Blendhas a regularly updated lovely mix of weird and fantastic pictures and links. I can literally spend hours there. (actually connected to which is a site I used to frequent until I found SDMB and realized how infantile was)

Craigslist Best Of lists

Could you check the link for Passive Agressive Notes? It doesn’t look like a proper site.
Edit: Found it! Needs another G in “agressive”.!

Try this:

(I forgot a ‘g’!)

There we go. Awesome site. :smiley:

Pointless Sites

Arts & Letters Daily


I love as well. It makes it like the earlier days of the web. You just specify your interests out of lots of categories and it finds sites that other people have liked.

Ironically, it was boredom that led me here. Specifically via the link to this MB on

She wants to stop being bored, not forgo food for the next week!

In other words, I recommend this too.