Interesting wedding veils- any suggestions?

I’ve got my wedding dress made, and I’m looking for pictures of interesting veils. My dress is medium cream-coloured, and I’m going to make a matching silk chiffon veil- the only problem being that I’ve never made any kind of headpiece before, and I can’t seem to find any instructions anywhere. I could probably figure out the construction if I found some pictures, but the only ones I’ve been able to locate are of poofy tulle princess-crown type things, which are fine, but not what I want.
I was thinking Juliet cap, or netted snood-type thing… or maybe just a comb with the veil glued on. I dunno. Any suggestions? Renaissance/Medieval/Victorian… anything, really. Links, book titles… whatever. Thanks.

One idea I had before I got married was growing some ivy around a circlet that I’d wear, then right before the ceremony, trim the ivy from the plant. This would look nice if you had ivy as some of the greenery in your floral arrangements.

I didn’t bother though - I ended up buying a pearl-beaded wide band that fit around my ponytail, and stitched some tulle around the base.

Russian *kokoshnik[/]. I could e-mail you some pictures, if you like?

I made my own, just ribbon-edged tulle, and gathered it on to a hair comb. Don’t glue it, or it will be all stiff and nasty; just whip-stitch it on after you’ve gathered it. Mine is 108" wide fabric gathered on to a 3" comb.
I can’t find the link right now, I’m sorry. I will tell you, though, that it’s not as intimidating as you would imagine.
Good luck!

I was not able to talk Deb into this, but I always thought it would be interesting:

you’ll put his eye out!

a lace mantilla (sp)?

a good fabric store should have juliet cap bases. then if you have a bit of the material from your dress they could match the material to cover the hat. then you would just tack the veiling material to the back of it. there are some very nice silk sheers out there.

Yup. I can get silk chiffon pretty cheap… I’ll look for a juliet cap base. Thanks, tomndebb. It would make the first kiss really interesting. A friend has already suggested that we both wear our swords… Hmm. Please continue making suggestions. They’re very helpful.

I’ve said it before, my wedding gown will be a Russian court dress.

Here is a picture of the two eldest daughters of Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaievna, and Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaievna. I want my gown to be made just like their dresses.

Up close, you could see that their kokoshnik headdresses are silk, trimmed with pearls all around.

Wow, those are lovely, Guin. And this is my 100th post. Isn’t that special? Unfortunately, I don’t think the headdress would suit me… but I’m sure you’ll look lovely in one!
I’m planning to wear my hair loose down my back. It’s just below my waist, and wavy/not quite curly. I think Geoff would cry and then divorce me if I ever cut it… but I’d probably do the same if he cut his… don’t tell the LAFers that he has long hair. They’d kill him.

Hehehhe…okay! Hehehe…blackmail material…