International Day of Action for South Korean Dogs and Cats

When I was in Korea a couple of years ago my employers told me it was no longer legal to eat dog meat.

I see domestic pets as an extension of humans, each with their own personality and feelings, and can’t imagine how Korea justifies killing cats or dogs for food in 2011.

Korean culture shock was extreme indeed, but some things shocked me and some things shocked me as barbaric. I don’t want to sound racist* or* self righteous but some things are just hard to ignore, especially when Korea tries so hard to portray itself as a “modern” country. Modern countries don’t farm dogs and advertise dog meat restaurants. It’s freaking bananas. Stop it already!

The technical term for the above is bullshit.

There’s no argument against eating dogs that does not apply equally well to pigs. Both are fairly intelligent for non-human species; both have feelings and personalities, though not as complex as those of humans. Opposition to eating dogs that does not include eating canines is ethnocentrism. Moreover, your comment about Koreans being soulless is racist.

So why don’t more people keep pigs as domestic pets if pigs and dogs are so equal?

Your “racist” comments mean nada to me. I just got back from Korea and collectively they were some of the most xenophobic, racist, sexist, ageist people I’ve ever met. I probably shouldn’t call them all soulless but they’re batting a pretty high average.

I’m not sure why some of you insist on defending people who kill and eat dogs. I could maybe understand it if it were 20 years ago when Korea didn’t have a pot to piss in, but they have no good excuse now.

I’m giving you a second warning for trolling for this post.

Your posting privileges are under review.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

Let’s back this ass up a bit.

Whether or not every single Korean is chowing down on cats every single day of their soulless lives is not the issue here. The issue is -

What, exactly, is this International Day of Action supposed to do? Sure, everybody gathers in NYC - and then what? You send some letters, and then what? South Korea will listen to a bunch of furriners? What would we do, honestly, if there was a huge letter-writing campaign from India to stop our cruel mistreatment of cows? We’d laugh and go on our merry way.

Apparently it allows us to feel morally superior, and you really can’t put a price on that. Then again, I’m soulless so what do I know?

You’re Korean???

recoils in horror and dismay

No I think the real issue here is: what would a Golden Retriever taste like with some dry rub, grilled, and some BBQ sauce?

I’m Chinese and if ntlwng thinks lowly of Koreans who he claims eat pets despite their prosperity, what about me, who lives in America and would still eat a dog? In fact, if I ever go to Taiwan or China the first thing I’d do is try some dog. I simply see no correlation in pets vs. inedibility. Not like I’m worshipping them like Hindus do with cows, or its forbidden like Jews and Muslims with pork. To me, dogs and cats are just another form of meat, and even if some of them can do an interesting trick, that doesn’t mean they all can.

Pigs would tend to make rather large domestic pets. However, I seem to recall that Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs do make good pets if you have room for them.

Why shouldn’t someone who is not a vegetarian defend people who eat dogs? You would have an argument (albeit a not very good one) if you were a vegetarian, but you haven’t said you were. People shouldn’t steal pets to turn them into food, but that applies whatever the pet is. If a dog is not being raised as a pet (i.e. if they are being raised specifically as food or if they are and have always been wild) why is eating it any different ethically than eating any other animal? You remind me of people that are squeamish about the idea of eating horse meat (I did once, and it was quite tasty).

Excellent… my plan to do something evil via my soulless touch is working! Step 2: come up with evil plan, preferably involving the eating of puppies and kittens.

To be honest, I am personally very squicked by eating dogs and cats (especially cats, I like cats… and not as in “I like cats, grilled with a side of lemon butter”). But as long as they’re killed humanely I really don’t have a leg to stand on. I eat and enjoy bacon, beef, chicken, lamb… so I can’t really say “don’t eat the cute ones, s’bad!”
Of course, if anybody ever tried to hurt my cats, I’d stabberize them in the face, but that’s a different issue…

I would note, however, that the ‘traditional’ method of killing dogs for food in Korea involves essentially torturing them to death and they’re often stored in inhumane conditions. That shit is just wrong. (Again, the practice itself seems to be vanishingly rare these days, at least in major metropolitan areas). So, yah, eat dogs if you want, just put them down cleanly and without undue suffering and keep them in such a manner that their confinement doesn’t cause undue suffering or distress.

Then enjoy your fido burger.

Per board rules I must vet this plan. Have it on my desk by morning, or the collie dies.

Was that a whoosh? No one in Thailand eats cats. :confused:

Ethnic Thais don’t eat dogs, but some hilltribes do. And so do Cambodians, so in villages with a high proportion of ethnic Khmers, you won’t see many dogs on the streets.

You can’t get much meat off of a dog. Similarly, it’s pretty hard to find pig food at Wal Mart, so there’s two good reasons right there.

I’ve been in Korea for a year now, and aside from all the drunk Americans, it seems like a pretty decent country for the most part, but that might just be a nature of where I live in the country. I’ve even seen a stray dog or two. Not a lot of stray dogs, but I never saw a lot of stray dogs in the US either, so I guess Texans, Californians, and Kansans are all barbarians who feast on the delicious innocent flesh of Fido.:rolleyes:

As far as Koreans not liking cats, I don’t know about that, but if it is true, I am sorry for their hardships…


Good luck in Korea! I learned alot while I was there and I’m glad I went, but it’s not for everyone and I knew within a couple of months that it wasn’t for me long term. I’m much more grateful for my life here in America because of that trip though.

And the streets are made of cheese!

First sensible statement you’ve said here.

hahahh, white people problems. HOW DARE YOU NOT HOLD SACRED AND INEDIBLE THE SAME ANIMALS AS WE? blahblahblah, who gives a shit? This is as hilarious as a group of Hindus protesting quadruple-stackers outside Burger King. Or a group of Jews protesting baconators outside Wendy’s.