International Women's Day (and Google)

International Women’s Day is tomorrow, and I’m all for it. And Google made a Doodle about it. But, as I watch, I couldn’t help but laugh: not a single bit of it is in English. So apparently, women in English speaking countries are always treated well and don’t need a special day. Either that, or Google doesn’t think “International” includes the U.S., Canada, or the UK.

One of my friends on Facebook posted a bunch of photos she said were in anticipation of Women’s Day, and I asked her what that was. She responded that it was the day that women would say “yes” instead of “no.” :eek: Granted, she doesn’t speak English natively. (Guess that’s why she knew about the holiday.)

Just some silly stuff I thought I’d share.

One of the pics in Google’s Doodle is a woman in front of a poster that says “a history of Silicon Valley”. Is that in Mexico now?

I cought a few snippets of English there towards the end.

…anyone know where I can get some for free?

What? On national doughnut day Krispy Kreme gave away doughnuts, on national pancake day IHOP gave away free pancakes, so logically…

Ninja’d, will report as a duplicate.

Yay! Free women all over the world!

What? On national doughnut day Krispy Kreme gave away doughnuts, on national pancake day IHOP gave away free pancakes, so logically…

I’m not looking forward to Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Merged duplicate threads.

Not sure if that’s supposed to be a woosh, but the data from this interesting BBC article could be seen as suggesting women in the “main” English-language (UK/Ireland/US/Canada/Australia/NZ) countries are doing pretty well for themselves; and so it could be further argued by some that no, they don’t need a special day as a result.

Considering that 99% of what Google or anyone else does online is strongly weighted towards English-speakers, if not the US only, then I found their approach refreshing.

There is a little bit of English spoken in the clip, but I don’t think they were in US accents.