Internet connection speed question

This may really belong in IMHO, and if so, no objection if the Mod moves it.

Now I am using Cox cable service with a modem and a Netgear wireless router. I have a bundled plan that states that my top connection speed can be “up to” 50 Mbps.

I run a speed test now and then, and usually it is around 30-32 Mbpsfor download speed, which I know is pretty good. It works fine for connection and for streaming Netflix movies, so I don’t really need any more, but as I am paying for supposedly more, I am thinking about getting a new 3.0 modem/router.

However, when I call Cox CS, they are very evasive about whether I could expect much of an improvement, probably because they want to sell me a new modem. If I get one, will get it from Amazon and much less cost anyway.

So, does anybody know whether a new modem would really be beneficial in this situation?

I doubt a modem will improve your speed. I imagine you are paying for a particular speed now from Cox.

When I got a DOCSIS 3.0 modem, my peak download speeds when from 20MBps to 50+MBPs, even though I was only paying for 20MBps. That didn’t last too long - Cox must have figured out that they were “leaking” unpaid-for speed, and now my download speeds are back to 20 or so.

Ha, that’s funny. Or sad, I guess, but it must have been nice while it lasted.

I have sort of the opposite problem: I’m, not getting the speed I am paying for. The question is whether I reeally will if I get the faster modem/roter.

You might. Sometime ago, I upgraded my connection, but had an old modem, and the speed didn’t improve much. I was unable to find out what the modem’s maximum speed was from the manufacturer, but when I replaced the modem, my connection speed shot up to what I was paying for. The same thing might happen to you.

And not all ISPs charge for a modem. Charter encouraged me to get one of theirs, and they didn’t charge me for it as long as it didn’t require a service call (it didn’t). I don’t know if this is always their policy, as I am known as a complainer in their book, and maybe they were just trying to mollify me.

Note that one key feature of DOCSIS modems is that the ISP can adjust the speed remotely. Note that companies like Comcast offer a lot of Internet packages based on speed. The way they manage this is by setting your modem to the speed for your respective package. (One of many things that makes modding a cable modem highly desirable to certain people.)

If you are getting a higher speed than the one you are paying for, remember:

  1. The speed is only a minimum claim. The ISP doesn’t (or shouldn’t) claim a higher speed that not all customers can get. Although this is a very shady business so a lot of people aren’t getting the speed they are paying for. So some people might luck out and get a higher speed.

  2. They might not care that you are getting a higher speed than you are paying for. E.g., the demand on that particular branch of their network is low, so why not let the customers enjoy some faster bits? But if the network starts feeling a bigger demand, then the speed limits start to get enforced.

DOCSIS 3 has a lot of features that make IPv6 work a lot better. (Including management from the ISP end.) So the main benefit to you and the ISP comes from that when upgrading fro 2 to 3. (Which is being mandated in a lot of places now.)