Internet Explorer - How to get 128 Bit Encryption?

My bank’s site will not allow me to access their site, as they require that I have 128-bit encryption. I currently have Version 6.0.2800.1106, which is only 56 bit encryption. I have downloaded and installed all of the recommended and critical updates to no avail.

Can anyone make any suggestions?

High encryption is included in the latest versions of the Internet Explorer browser. If you are running an earlier version of Internet Explorer without 128-bit encryption, you can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from the Internet Explorer Download page

I have already downloaded the most recent version, and it is still 56-bit. I’m on Windows 2000, and the service pack for IE at that site can not be installed for this version. I don’t understand why not.

I can’t remember the exact details, but there were some problems because Windows 2000 didn’t ship with 128-bit encryption support due to export restrictions. Try the latest service pack for Windows 2000 if you haven’t already installed that. If that doesn’t help you could try the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack, but I think that’s included in SP3.

I have tried to install the latest Service Packs, but the last one came up with a window that said I needed IE 6 to be installed first. Which I already do. I am incredibly frustrated.

Something weird is going on then. My work computer has Win 2K and the same version of IE, but with 128-bit encryption.

You might try downloading Netscape and using it to access your bank information.

I have this same problem with IE, but only on my laptop (purchased just after Christmas this year). I am only able to access secured sites (hotmail, my university e-mail and my bank) through Netscape. On the desktop, I can use either browser with no problem (and actually only have IE installed).

The only difference I can find is that the laptop is running XP Home and the desktop is running ME.


Are you in an embargoed country? :slight_smile:

I think Ginger is in Canada, so not very likely.

Only if she moved back. Last I checked, she was in the Baltimore, Maryland area.

I’d recommend switching browser too.

Download Mozilla.

Go on…you know you want to… :slight_smile: