Is there a device that is used to
send &n recieve E-mail only?
A friend has no interest in the
WWW but would like to use E-mail.
Actually there is. I’ve seen it in a catalog from the phone company and at computer stores like “Fry’s”. It hooks up right to your phone and it looks like a little label-maker. I don’t remember what it was called but I’m thinking it was around $300. Don’t remember if there was an additional extra charge (per month or by use, etc.)
Now there’s nothing unexpected about the water giving out; “Land” is not a word we have to shout.
If your friend has a computer, he can sign up for basic service with Juno - you just dial in to send email/get email and then disconnect, no WWW to deal with.
Yes, Juno is a good idea. I had an old mono screen 386 laptop that I used to get email on, with Juno. (The laptop only had 4 megs of RAM, too! Yikes, that is slow!)
I should think that an old 386 or 486 would be cheaper than $300 - much cheaper.
Both Intel and a company called Netpliance are making “internet appliances”. They’re basically stripped down computers used for accessing email. They also function as a bulletin board for the family. The one by Netpliance, the I-Opener, is only $99. Plus, I heard that one of the creators recently released specs and ways to hack it so you can add more equipment and turn it into a real computer.
Try this site for info on the I-Opener. I’m not sure of the Intel site, try a search for “web appliances”.
Through our bleeding/We are one
Juno has changed. Now you get free internet access too. It’s a 4 meg file. I haven’t been able to find the old Juno email only file that fits on a 1.44 floppy there but then I didn’t spend 10 minutes trying to find it either.
THere is a gizmo, $100 or less, $10month, sits near your phone, does email only. I forgot what it’s called.
Still $21/month is pricey. Nice little machine, I wish it could be used as a laptop.
Here’s the story of the i-opener hack.
There’s another, fancier thing called the iPhone that’s about $400 and does let you cruise the Web.
and here is the story of the undoing of the i opener hack:
i-opener Internet appliances shipped after March 20,
2000 can no longer be reconfigured in the manner
described in recent reports. Modification of the
i-opener in any way is in violation of our terms and