Interstate of the Beast

All it needs is a giant motorized handbasket headed for the vortex.

Huh. And I thought the Interstate of the Beast was 1-84 through Connecticut …

There used to be a 666 between New Mexico and Morenci, Arizona. Tortuous, windy little beast… pure joy on a touring motorcycle.

Huh? What’s wrong with I-84?

I-95, if anything.

Well, it’s not the road itself. It’s just that Connecticut hates me. The feeling is mutual. :slight_smile:

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny.

Huh? I always thought “road to hell” was just a metaphor.

Or a really rockin’ Chris Rhea song. :slight_smile:

Route 666?

I’ve been there! Hell of a party town. Man, those lobbyists are kicky people.

I don’t recognize the face in the vortex.

There no longer is a Route 666. They remained it Route 491. Damn you, Bill Richardson!

That’s awesome.

Stealing that interstate sign was a rite of passage back in my day.

I think this actually was the record holder for most turns per mile or some such—IIRC, there was a sign somewhere on that road proclaiming that fact.

We have a State Road 666. It’s a bridge, but not to Hell. Kinda boring, really.

As I understand it, the old 666 was the sixth exit off famous Route 66 in New Mexico. Not surprisingly the religious wackos crabbed about it for years, and the state finally caved in.

It was never part of the Interstate highway system, though.