Introductory Mafia Website

The mafia game thread is filling up slower than I had hoped (though a lot of it is due to the offboard game startingg at the same time), and there’s a whole bunch of new people, and I was hoping to convince some new people to play, but I don’t know how to describe the basics properly. Could someone give a good description, and I’ll copy it (or a website would work, I’d copy the url) over to the game thread? Thanks.

Well the fact that the board is behaving like Jerry Quarry, currently, is probably inhibiting some level of discussion and participation.

Not Bitching. Conversions are a bear dog.

Also, for anyone who thinks the offboard game is going to start soon…it isn’t. Story/kat’s game offsite is a little ways away still (my guess would be about a month before gastard mafia ends, but maybe a little sooner). There is pleanty of time for you to sign up for this one and be killed off before story/kat’s game starts.

Okie Dokie.

Cliff’s bote version.

Town tries ti find scum and kill them.

Scum try to make town kill each other through thlynch process all the while picking them off one by one during the night.

Couple of observations. If you are town and in danger of a lynch, role claim.

If you are a scum in a similar position lie your ass off with a role claim. Mason claims as scum typically are bad.

story is a scary monster. Makes me as nervous as a bass at a fishing contest.

Mhaye is tough. Formidable in whatever role.

Naf normally a strong player but coming back from his honeymoon so the testosterone level is probably not recovered.

NBC recently upgraded from the premium package to the standard cable package. Looks to be a player for a while. Knee injury possibilities not withstanding.

OD. Jury is out. I’d really track his votes.

Z. Confounds the heck out of me. Be careful, a good friend or a back stabbing daughter of a gun.

Moi. Posts originating after 9 p.m. CST weekdays or at any times on the weekends are highly suspect.

The rest of the tutorial will be posted tomorrow. Hopefully before 9.

To answer the op:

Copied from Wikipedia:

Although Mafia is usually played face to face, online play is also common. These games last longer, and allow player’s votes and words to be reviewed more easily. There are many forms of online play: the film Cry Wolf was promoted through a wolves vs sheep variant, played over AOL Instant Messenger. Online play typically means Internet forum-play, with early games including those in the forum of mathematical puzzle site Grey Labyrinth in 2000.[50] The standard human-moderated games require one or two moderators: a sign up thread is created announcing the game, and once the game has sufficient players, play can begin. It usually starts in the night phase with mafiosi communicating via email before submitting their kill (to the moderator). The moderator then writes the appropriate death scene for those that were eliminated, and posts a dawn scene. Software can automate the moderator function, but this is rarer. All players can now discuss (in the forum) who they should execute, followed by an execution vote. Innocents are usually forbidden in-game communication outside of the public forum.

Mafia is also played on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) using private messages to send votes and channel modes to allow private communication during the night. The first IRC mafia channel was #mafia on An email version was invented by a group of programmers and players on Richard’s PBEMserver, and the end result was written down as a ruleset.[51] Most of the times the Werewolf variant is played, but it has the same rules as Mafia and in some cases both Mafia and Werewolf groups are trying to kill the village. The games take mostly one week and every month three games are started and finished. Versions of Mafia have also been created on BYOND and Facebook. While recently, was created and has become a favorite of online mafia gamers.

Fictional reality themes are common in online play, which will work with any group of well known characters. The Simpsons, Hanna Barbera, The Lord of the Rings, Lost (TV Series) have been used, for example, because of their extensive character sets. Players are assigned characters from the theme, with matching roles. Generic themes are also popular - such as the Werewolf-theme.

See also:


Is that we have been doing?

I might be interested. I’m a long time doper… but a n00b when it comes to online Mafia. Although I think I’ve played it at parties before with a deck of cards.

Play! We like fresh blood. :smiley:

Yes! Play! The n00bs always have the most exciting stories to tell, whether it’s (my own) the story of narrowly cheating death three times, including a coin flip; or getting highly suspected due to a twice negated ‘slip’ the entire game only causing the town to lose due to modkill (faithfool), or having the entire town jump on you because you said something along the lines of being suspicious of the people everyone else was suspicious of (CapnPitt).