Invent-a-word (game)

fuaifilly - A young horse that has been genetically fused with Cheez-its.

sproggymloop - or more precisely, sproggy m-loop. A simple function written in Turtle that will keep your program from crashing. Microsoft failed to purchase a license for this.

plig - the invisible stone that you turn to look back at after you’ve tripped even though you know it was just clumsiness on your part.


fenris crab


Blonk–1. n <orig. Fr: blanc, white> Any word or phrase from a foreign tongue that is used solely to impress the listener. 2. n Any needlessly snobbish or pretentious word or phrase.

Fenris crabn <orig. Mid. Eng.: Fen-Riss Crabbe, from Old Eng.: Frenkt Risse crabba> A mythical parasite of the human pubic region that causes extreme sexual desire.

Durglev <orig. Lewis Caroll, in a discarded draft for his poem, The Jabberwocky> To gurgle and drool at the same time.




Clupacious - Fourteenth emporer of ancient Rome. Ruled for three hours before being devoured by a snake.

Sonting - the act of hopping from square to square, as in hopscotch.

Plusterbung - a medical instrument from the 18th century used to treat potentially lethal dandruff.




Spottle–to make wet mottled marks on a cocktail napkin, bar surface, etc. with a wet beverage container.

Flart–Flatulence as a form of self-expression.

Zzzizzzlnezzzz, more commonly spelled Zizzlnez (That’s OK, Horseflesh–we all make mistakes sometimes, dear) --from the Middle Northern Bavarian Tzitzlschnozz. The end product of pushing someone’s nose into frying bacon grease.

Oh, right. Sorry–I forgot.

3 new words:




Ungperhoven- The Language spoken by the Bog People of Denmark.

Impelcinate- to fire small bits of ice at a person in such a manner as they stick to his or her skin.

Blimcaric- of or pertaining to the Blimcar, a failed mode of transportation from the late 19th century involving a horse drawn carriage and a gas filled bag that could lift horse and carriage over lakes and rivers.



Herfy, Snurfy, Flurfy - Three of the eight children Snow White bore nine months after hanging out with the dwarves (she had two by Dopey).




Pangpot–Pol Pot’s underachieving younger brother.

Volgeschlugel–From the German, meaning, “Sludge or detritus from the Volga.”–n.–Any unwanted but unavoidable boring or irritating task that, while not in your job description, is an integral part of what you do in the course of your work.

Twimp–short form of “Twimpery,” from Middle English, meaning “devious slight of hand, esp. that meant to do significant harm to someone, that goes awry.” A “twimp,” therefore, in modern English usage, means someone who has malicious intentions, but is too incompetent to be of any real threat or consequence.




Panchoticon- the small series of beeps left after a message on an answering machine.

Ondinate- To reply in rhyme to an insulting remark

Sarfantically- reacting to an intense situation by speaking in gibberish





Slender or graceful in figure or outline; slim.

i luuuuuv that word =)

To ‘parfle’ means to splutter in shock/horror at at statement. Can be extended to include spewing Dr. Pepper all over the keyboard. Works better if you have a bushy moustache.

  • Atrificusation
  • Crunhatch
  • Honnu

Atrificusation - the slow but methodical process in which your dryer eventually teleports one sock from each pair to a planet on the other side of the galaxy.

Crunhatch - a wicked old witch in training.

Honnu - an epithet uttered by Polynesian natives after stepping on a sea creature and getting stung, stabbed, or bitten.




velmway - the street where Rick’s Place is

druncle - to search for a cross dresser

fabrolicious tasting like a really nice fabric


kleptoteleptic- Having a seizure inducing desire to steal.

Dandrigangrenous–having flakes of gangrene coming off of your scalp. Selsun Blue just won’t cut it for this hair catastrophe.

Weelsh–a rapidly deflating bike or ATV tire that makes a “shhhhhhh” noise as the rim turns.

Plinky–adj.–Originally described a second-rate wineglass that made a cheap, non-resonant clinking noise when struck lightly with a fork. This was in contrast with the clear, resonant sound produced by a fine lead crystal goblet. It’s come to describe anything that is irritating or disappointing in its shoddiness or fakeness.

Oh, and, once again, I forgot:




Never defined:

Respentulous – (Of home decor, etc.) Excessively showy or gaudy in a way that suggests the purchaser has spent beyond his/her means in order to convey a sense of luxury

Spuk – My brother actually referred to the creation of divots while swinging a golf club as “spukking dirt”.


Snipholetum – A Rube Goldberg-inspired musical instrument made from old garden hoses, vacuum cleaner motors, and linoleum padding

Goiframicity – (From Yiddish goy + Fram filters) Derogatory term for the non-Jewish male’s fascination with working on cars, and the sounds and smells attendant to this activity

Basnolious – Intended to be frightening, but actually beneath contempt. “Although Beware of Dog signs were prominently displayed in the yard, the warnings were basnolious to the neighbors, who knew that the growling Doberman was blind and toothless.”




dildinaceous - having dildo-like qualities. Also, the Greek god of phallic replacements.

Wemsingblay - a celebrated three-legged, one-eared sheepdog that won the Mongolian sheepherding championship three years in a row.

darge - the act of almost jumping out of the way of an oncoming vehicle. Usually results in minor or major injuries to a limb.




Sommleton–n. from Fr. sommelier and Eng. suffix -ton. A mythical French town obsessed with wine. Sommleton appears in English chefs’ nightmares, and is considered by many British psychoanalysts to be an unconscious manifestation of the anxiety and inferiority complex people from the UK have about the lack of a desireable native cuisine.

Trivera–n. from Latin tri- (three) and vera (fem. form of verus (truth)) The three basic, hard, unchanging truths of life. There will always be death, taxes, and dirty dishes.

mmmph–1. n. onomatopoeia–the sound people make when pushing heavy objects. 2. abbrev. meddling malcontent morons per hectare. The measure of the undesireability of a neighborhood, based on the characters of the people present in that area. The inverse, 1/mmmph, is sometimes used in real estate sales formulas as a factor in deciding the reasonable price of a residence in an urban, semi-urban, or suburban region.




Iriunality- Having a supressed rage over the dislike of one’s own eye color.

Moncampire- One who tells urban legends around a Coleman’s stove instead of a fire.

Ompony- To be in a state of euphoria when entering sweepstakes


