Portmanteau you invented

Have you ever invented a new combo word? One I invented is “shiggles”.

I like to think I invented “wanxiety” - feeling anxious and guilty after, ah, you know.

Grasshop: Bluegrass-Hip Hop fusion music.

**Becatted **- unable to move from a place due to the weight or placement of cat(s) on one’s person.

I call Capri shorts “shants” (“shorts” + “pants”). Hate the things with a passion, which inspired the name.

Asimovian invented “snowpokes” for people who slow waaaaay down when it’s snowing.

We eat quite a lot of Quorn products (vegetarian meat substitutes), and we call them all by Qu + part of the word. Quasages, quicken, qurgers. (Quince, sadly, doesn’t work. Quicken does because it’s pronounced differently to the other meaning and is in a different context).

It wasn’t that long ago that my daughter realised that quasages is not a real word. I think Quorn should rebrand that product - it’s way better than Quorn sausages.

I like that one and will use it from now on. I am becatted on a daily basis.

Plus, what would you eat it with? :smiley:

Implediment - a combination of implement and impediment, used for badly designed devices, systems or software that will never repay the time it takes to learn to work them properly.

Spantaculous: spectacular, fantastic, and fabulous

“Gesbians”, after hearing the phrase “gays and lesbians” once too often.

Well, everyone has heard craptacular (which I think pretty good).

I have called my PC ‘The Computalator’ since Der Arnold’s famous flick.

I often use “coughter” for when I laugh so hard it makes me cough (since expanded to refer to coughing fits in general).

I doubt that I’m the only person in the history of the English language to think of it, but I came up with “perplextual” to describe people like me.


Drinking lemonade builds up a bit of phlem in the back of my throat. The rest is history.

Shiggles is pretty common around here, I use it regularly (although I wonder if my new acquaintences know what it stands for.)

Shampaign - I invented this word to describe this situation.

Not sure if I invented them–it may have been a friend–but upscalator and downscalator.

I can take credit for kittysburg: a few cats sleeping in close proximity to one another, as on the bed or in front of the fire. They resemble the dead in this photo of the Gettysburg battlefield, simply lying where they fell. Usage: “I can’t vacuum the living room; it’s kittysburg in there.”

Kittysburg. heh heh heh
That sounds cute.

How many cats do you have?
Or maybe I should ask how many cats have you? :slight_smile:

I always loved that line about how dogs consider you to be their god and cats assume that they are yours.

I have six cats. Or perhaps, six cats employ me. :slight_smile:

And when they all nap in front of the fire, it does look like kittysburg!