I think I may have: Endorphiasis: Being in the “feel good” phase of endorphin release due to heavy exercise. I didn’t find it in the dictionary, but knowing y’all, it probably exists somewhere and you’ll find it. :rolleyes:
And that leads me to ask how one would go about getting an invented word into the English (or any) language?
You know how dogs will nibble on you when you find a good scratch spot, using just their little front teeth? I call it ‘snibbling’. My little Bunny snibbles a lot.
Tanorexic. For our secretary, who would never believe she was tan enough, even when she looked like a bleach blond Aborigine. I have since heard other people use it, but I did independently come up with it.
I’m going to invent a word for my professional organization in a future article. Obviously I can’t say what it is publicly yet, though I’ve told other people. I’m rather looking forward to others potentially using it, though.
The act of using sound to make sure you’re peeing in the toilet when you don’t want to turn the light on to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
When she was about 12, my daughter invented a word for a phenomenon that is really quite common, but strangely does not have a single term that describes it: foodautoing: the act of grabbing a sandwich at a fast food drive-thru and then eating it while driving.
I haven’t played it in a long time, but I used to have an ongoing game in my LiveJournal called “One Different Letter” wherein I would invite people to submit words; I would either remove one letter, add one letter, or change one letter, making a new word. I would then provide a definition for the new word.
One of my favorites: someone suggested the word zombie. I added an “o” and created zoombie (one of those super-fast undead dudes like the ones in 28 Days Later).